The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


s.f. oio, area, ir puss*uj wnlt; This paper aij inq, hu scllHAMUNTE ur buullimn Hill 2 or 3 tilt, rvner luiiitiv, mr-iiuj. CASH lor 2 orJ bdrm. home. Agent Nadell JU 7-9344 sts HOIILI HOMZS SINCE 1943 WOODLAND Mobile Homei, Inc.

open every day ati Mt. View Salinas. Santa Clara, Petaluma, Santa Rosa, San Jose, LIKE new. 12 wide 43 long mo bile home. Located Hancho Monticello Resort, Laxa Ber rvessa.

Lake front boat dock A steal at $9750. 471-9657 aft, 7. MOBILE Home 196.6 NashiJ ji'Airu, HwniiiK, sneo, gardens planted, adult commu. mty, Lake Co. Moving, must sacr.

$4500. 632-1920 after 6 p.m.. won, tnru intirs, NEW LAKEFRONT SPACES Only 45 Minutes from S.F. FREE MOBILE HOME SHOW LEISURE LAKE PARK SALES' I'm atony pt, petaluma LAKE BERRYESSA Summit 10x50' mobile home, large eov-i ereo oeck dock, patio, large HniniiiK auauB. lumpieiuiy rur-nished, like new.

892-3736 NEW FAMILY SPACES ONLY 1 HOU FROM S.F. 3 BR MODELS ON DISPLAY LEISURE PARK A SAI 2800 Occidental Santa Rosa BRAND New 190 Skyline 12x52 front kit wbltins. Carpet in liv. tng rm bdr. Sells for $5300 tax lie.

Ask $4,695 incl, Lax 1 UC "I MM'l. Mffn I fr u. i- v.1.,: 1 S.F. Space avail. Suburban- Mo- ui d.

nuniea, io'ju iwamino at Hickey, So. S.F. 756-3131 1 2-20 24 wide. Choose from over 40. $3995 up S.S, Mob, nonies.

anra Kosa 546-4405 ni'inrs. mua rrpsa 5h-4iirj AMERICAN MOBILE' WoME'CfT "A Womierful New Wav nfl ito" From $8971 829-0309 MOBILE Home Expo, "Acre's ot display Models," Move in now. bS9-W40i 689-S214. 10x50' Paramount, Lake'Berryes 1-1850. 828 7144.

eve. BETTER ACRES. Buys at MITCHELL'S Rosa, 545-0814, 20x57'. STAR, 3 2 Bath, Family, terms. 489-0195.

Eve. Parks Sites 885 1 Heard the birds sing lately Seen a iackrabbil? Or an Pitched a horseshoe? Come up to Redwood Estates Mobile Park, a friendly park, big lots, reasonable rents long-term leases available. our park across the street? trom Konnert park Municipal Golf Course, it's more beautiful than any park you've ever seen; Honest tnjun! You won't be a bit Mobile homes are landscaped, lighted, heated ready to move into. Prices are competif tive coaches are first class. Birds will be singing at: REDWOOD ESTATES 6401 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE ROHNERT PARK Take Rohnert Park Expressway 1 mile east of US 101 across from the golf course TROPICS NOW OPEN! Level' en try.

-b 1 1 walkways," Most elaborate recreational facilities. 33000 Baker Road, Un- lon city nr. hayward. 41-8550. SPACE available in Redwood City's most charming park with purcnase ot new wipe mo one noma, 244-1155 dealer, CLEAR Lane.

Lake frtscenic sp vacperm. Holiday Island PK. Lakeshore Drive, Gooseneck, Clear Lake. 707 994-623. S.

CRUZ, BEACHCOMBER PARK. spaces tor 10 to 24 wioe $59. Near Sears beaches. 40H) 45-3330, 45-5065, LIVE AT THE COUNTRY CLUti Marin Vallev Mob. Club NOVATO 883-5911 MISSION BAY SAN LEANDRO Great new adult park.

OPEN WICKS. LF.WELl.INlj 352-4433 THE THE BAKER. THE CANDLE-; $1(0 Ac, 4 ml So. of Brentwood. i home, large bun machine (hop $160,000 620 A.

Northern Calif, stock ranch, f'erriiantmt pasture under irrigation, Good improvements. Adimning piupeitv Mild off, $660 per ac, without itn-nrtiVBinents. Sacrifice at $400 pet ac, 1.1,200 Ac, 6 east ot Elko, Nevada, on main highway. Humbolrlt river through lllfto acres with water rights. 790 hend capacity, can Im in creased, 2 homes, $35 pttr ac.

A. ST EFFENSI.N, 37 lit ft Oakland. 452-1060 a m. or 658-4tl3 eves, SEE SKI Squaw Valley BEATUIFUL VIEW LOTS availa- oie on iMirns in our SUBDIVISION. HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT Squaw Valley Realty (916) 583-3451 OR WRITE SHOPPING CENTER OLYMPIC VAI I FY, CALIF.

95730 CREEK FRONTAGE 10 ac $6000. YUBA CO. FOOT-H LLS Elevation 2000 ft. TWO GREAT STREAMS. Famous tor trout fishing, Very private, Heavily timbered.

Gentle terrain. ALSO St'V, 7 AC. PARCELS AVAIL. This acreage is some of the most beaut. CREEK FRONTAGE IN Calif.

Loo. 30 mi. NE of Mar-ysville, nr, Brownsville Dob-bins. Exc. terms.

S.B.L. Co. P.O. Box 1902, Grass Valley, With first choice? Call collect (6-8 p.m. only) (916) 265-5576 tor aiipt- to inspect.

VACAVILLE POULTRY RANCH 5 acres, nice 2 bedroom, 1 balh home, excl. cond. 6 poultry houses (30.000 baby chick cap.) misc. all equipt. available to commence operation.

E-Z terms. COACH AND FOUR REALTORS 590 Merchant Street Vacaville (707) 448 8477 daynight 157 A. open lanu, leveled. Just north ot Chico. Frontage on 2 roads.

Could be used for row-crop or orchard, Good country home, $180,000. Very good terms. Owner will finance. 160 A. Olives and almonds.

Fully equippea. ienn county, uoam Ridge area. Beautitul executive type home plus two rentals. Excellent gross income record. $3000 per acre.

Can be divided. Owner will finance. TRACY REALTY COMPANY P.O. Box 398 Chico California 9592S 20 Acres $9950 Grass Valley, in Tahoe Ntl. for-est, overlooks Yuba river, creek.

owner, lerms, ,408 86-9I48 SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS oulder Creek. Owner must sell. 5 acres, all or part, water, roads, elec, view. Secluded. Nr, golf course.

(415) 22.1-2708 IQ'a Ac. Valley of Moon spectac. view. fvt. ro.

seclusion owner titrj ogn-titm. MERCED CO. 10 house, ga rage. $30,000, $2000 dn. Owner wfin.

209-526-2144 aft 2 p.m. MENDOCINO CO. LAYTONVILLE 3-40's. per acre. County roao, gooo water.

863-3296. 5 Ac. LARGE BARN $253500 SONOMA PLAiA REALTORS 423 1st St. W. Sonoma 996-3691 McKEON HOMEOWNER APTS.

$14,195.. Auburn, Roseville Elk urove. Phone (916 444-3300 CLEARLAKE lovely' Lucerne home 2 2 blks fr. lake, S.F. aft.

5, 861-8139 LAND, CABINS OR RENTALS Rustic Realtv. P.O. Box 764 Twain Harte (209) 586-3878 MTNDOCINO 2" BR, patio, dbl. gar. owner.

$9500. (70) 984-4611. NEAR YOSEMlttl 1 to 100 ACRE PARCELS 4888 Tonino Dr San Jose 95123 775 PROPERTY TRADES SALE or Trade 2 BR. condominium. So Lake Tahoe for condominiums on Kauai Hawaii no 854, So, Lake Tahoe, Cal.

FOR saie or trd. Aot, equity of $65,000 in Stockton. Will sii or trd. for mobile home pk. Write i nis r-aper Ad no.

71060 LOT Dolores St next to 1790 Dolores. 110x70 irreg. Beautiful View. $50,000. 921-1842 OROVILLE Lake Front 6 Ac.

Trade for boat, auto, TD or sell for $7500. Terms. (41.5) 326-222Q EXCHANGE Specialists, City and councry. rruaential Realty, 350 17th Oakland. 444-6343 780 REAL ESTATE WANTED THINKING OF I'LL APPRAISE it for you 01 TRADE it for what you want or LIST sell it for best price or pay ALL CASH if you pref.

Agt (NO obligation) 586 8803. APT. lots or land, from 25 to 200 units, any good area, duck action. Will buy ready to go packages. P.O.

Box 349, Burlingame. 347-9957. HAVE Cash Buyer for Home or Flats in S.F. Mr. Cotton.

BALDWIN HOWELL Est. 1885 Realtor, 318 Kearny 392-3810 CASH for Homes Motels. Apt. Land. Tarn's, 3226 Mission, S.F.

826-6400; 756-2732 eves. Peninsula real Need home or income, Pay all cash or trade. 697-4080 Act, PRIVATE party has all cash tor home or bungalow in S.F. Can paint repair. LO 4-5470 140 ACRES.

ls2.S0l). tl Dorado farms. Too much value and beauty here to describe in one ad. Just listed and we're exciled. Call and we will send Brochui.

RANCH, STOCKTON area. 60 acruii. fenced, Irrigated. Home. Harris, Selling below actual cost.

uwnertar ry. Some trade. ELSIE MARTIN. REALTOR Maeklanri, Havward. dial; 14 151 2f-24 SO.

LAKE TAHOE HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL I 3 lully enclosed cabin on choice pme studded view lot. All plumb, rough elec, brick ftplc. incl. in luw price of $13,900 ALSO gorgeous pine studded cabin site nr. Stateline aV Heavenly Valley.

Easy terms avail. Wrile to RAY MORRIS. P.O. Box SN. So.

LakaTahoe, Calif. 9505 or phone locally Sierra Nevada Really. (415) 341 9844 260 ACRE STOCK RANCH 2 windmill wells. 100 ton barn, corrals tk loading chute, about hi meadow land foothills, unusually good loam tvne soil making some of Hie best grass in the state. Spoiled Oaks on the hills for cattle loafing.

Frontage on 2 county roads each Vs mile wiria, electricity, telephone, asking $50 per acre, y.ood terms. GF.LDfiR.MANN REALTORS 600 Sin Ramon Valley Blvd. Danville 837-4242 MUNTER'J DREAM RANCH This 240 ac. scenic ranch is secluded yet close in but easily accessible. Live streams.

In famous Valley of the Moon. Priced to sail at Just $84,000 on terms. Contact: CARPENTER Rlty 1611 4th St Santa Rosa (707 546 1942 APPLE ORCHARD ON APPLE HILL Packing shed and equipment. R.iotlMda stand a tut picnic area. $153,800.

Write to 615 Winding Way, Fair Oaks, Calif, or call (916) 985-3538 or 961-6044 GOLD HILL OREGON. 2 Acres with running Cteek, $3,000 cash or $3,400 on terms, DUPLEXES Builder's lot. $11,000 cash or $12,000. Terms. Bruce Morser, P.O.

Box 152, Gold Hill, Oregon. Phone: (503) 855-7747. ELKO CO, Nev. 40 Acre ranch site nr. Ruby Rivers, proposed Dams.

$112 acr. $100 down. $30 mo. 6 No int. tor larger down.

Write vour phone number in reply to owner to This Paper AO No, 68314. SECLUDED LAKE Ac. cabin site at oeautiful Scott Lake. Koad, water, electricity in. $3990 cash price.

$400 dn. Tall pines. 1 hr. Sacramento. Owner brkr.

Box 3t3, Ormda 94563. OREGON. 19 ACRES of HILL TIMBERLAND, Nr. town ot Rogue River. Small cabin, garage, pump house woodshed.

Well pump need work. 3 gd. bldg. sites, ROGERS, 22666 No. Sowles Rd.

Ocampo, Ca. 95220. pn (zuw) Jb-94a, 35 Ac. Yr. round stream.

Pro ducing orchard vineyrd. nr. Santa Rosa. $2300 per ac, PROPERTIES UNLIMITED, Rltrs. Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa, (707) 646-7788, CALAVERAS Co.

Acreage. Suit sub-div, livestock, grapes, wal nuts. Elev 2000 paved rds, util. per ac mm sale loo ac. No brokers.

(415) 474-8401 or 759-4UJ7, DIAMOND in the rough. 500 ac. Partly developed. Excellent water. Priced to sell.

Wm. Morgan Realtor, 119 Court St. Wood- land. (916) 662-8696 20 A. Trout stream, gd.

terms. 5 A. Xmas Tree Farm, gd trms 10 A. Stream, big trees. $11,500 20 A.

Ponderosa Pines. $17,000 McNeil, Br. Bx. 262, Georgetown COVELO, Mendocino county, 20 acs. year round stream inru property.

Recreation or investment. $675 ac. (415) 757-9300; 625-2833. 4 Scenic Ac. trees seclusion in nice area, 18500, low down.

Excel, terms. VISTA Rlty. 7106 Bodega Sebastopol, (707) 823 6458, Free spring catalog. eTTR Home, Tahoe waterfront, 3 BR, 2 60 ft. water, boat dock.

Buy now for low interest terms. $47,500. Call coll, (916) 541-1744 MARIN Choce 20 ac. in Marinwood. Ideal horses.

Trees, view, stream. All util. Potential to divide. Exc. value at $3150 per ac.

Act, 865-4614 10 Acres Forest, Placerville, V2 mi. to river. Views, rich soil seasonal stream. $650 acre. In-man Rltry, Walnut Creek, 933- 0657.

TAHOE Incline Village. 3 bed-room, 2 bath condominium, fire place, walk to lake. Complete turn. $29,950. Agt.

(702) RI22LY FLATS, almost 4000'. VjA. Wtr elec. $5500. 2-rm.

3 trees, $8950. 5 A. Ponderosa McNeil, Box 262, Georgetown. WALNUT GROVE. On Sacto River, 45 Ac, mature trees plus 10 add, ac.

Complete Nice home. Only $2500 per ac. Mr. Carroll Afjt. (415) 592 22)1 BY OWNER Level 610 ac, sun belt, 'Oldest goit course.

9th tee Del Monte, reduced $24,500. Mtry, 408-373- 4463 TROUT STREAM 6 bdr. farm hse. fruit mild exc. schools, $32,500.

Terms. (916) 337-6331. Box 126 Montgomery cai. 90Qb3, OREGON 400' river frontage, 3V? ac. on So.

umpqua Kiver. dn. (503) 825-3489 or Write R.H. Williams, Box 246. MILO, OKtUON 1550 Ac.

grass land. Scattered Oak. Fenced. Many springs dams. Beaut, loc.

in So. Sun Benito Co. R. Brigantino (408) 637 5563. 10 Lovely acres.

$35 total. A Recreational Paradise in N.W. Utah near National Forest. Cash only. Private owner.

San Diei'O. (7.14) 223-7058. TAHOE Incline Village i bdrms. turn, condominium earns, Firepl. Inier-comm.

Hot waler heat. $41,500 terms. Like new. 731-7087 or 584 -5 JO owner. MENDOCINO COAST Beach parcels w(trees.

views, 2 ac to ia ac. Star Route. Man- chester 95459. TAHOE Incline Village. 3 bdrm.

2 hath trpic, walk to lake. Complete turn. ono 631 mai trtuastnr undevel oped Bay Area land. For brochure call Land Research Concept 697-3700 ORCHARD, mature rod equipped. 16 ac; large 5 bedr.

home. Sebastopol Area. $89,500. RAINFY Plly. (707) 546-227.

20 Acres $15,500 View of Clear Lake. Ez, Terms Leisure Time Rlty (70) CALAVERAS CO. 100 mile fire lookout view. Pines. 40 ac.

$4O0ac also 20 acs. Owner. PO Box 127, rvioKigitmne r-lin, LA. GAH8ERVILLE. 10 ac.

across creK, tree studded rugged hideaway, good access $500. Write this paper Ad 7071 1. BY Owner 70 ac. Scenic open roiling hills, grame land. Nr.

Esparto Yolo County. fi-tl or terrmi. MTUr. SHASTA, tor. lot, lac 1.

wview. By year round rrrrk. VlG JfNNER-ti Wii BR. 2 ba. home.

Adi. 11 Ac Can subdivide On Post Riy 46l-7'H9 HI WM INl'-M! 0 1 iil.HM, CABIN IN Pf OWOODS $6'rtr0 Grf term. Owm-r (40S1 3'6 5H1 fAKE OVI. l-i 5 Inviil Acs. in pine trcps, iuitfime fur camper, rsjr DON, $13 per mo.

Nr. lake 4 to WS NT Ti; 'Pt tlUn U's 11, lor low homes. 2 $'Jf t.AhC.IA tim. i ti -h. fiT.TcKEE 5 (ir til lorTlt Coioo ete Dvacy near Utf tio'v a pox 5 7, Trm (., QS-' i-1 44 Ac showpMre, c.

homt $225,000 Mi.f.lti- key rv'j i lion lake Tane nnpr van for enuty oilo) 4 17 Ac, r-'ti Sites. front 5 i filr r-'if- Contra Costa Co. 740- FAMILY AFFAIR This Fabulous 2 bath home orime Walnut tree area will create I love affair foi the whole family. Kids will love huge separate game room with warm paneling, iwom win auore the formal dining rm. new ww carpeting, sparkling fresh paint and inside laundry centarl Dad will ne enraptured over eas; maintenance yard nd expe- Cially the ASSUMABLE loan, Every member of you family will become a lover after seeing this SUPER-SPECIAL for Oil 1,48.500.

TOWI.E ASSOC. Rltrs. 932-1962 $2550 REDUCTION 20 MILE VIEW From a a ACRE knoll with picturesque circular drivewa shades this neglected three bdrm. retreat, sloping Beam ceiling and massive brick tire place In living room overlooks a garden of velvet greenery Your opportunity tor an uhigi-NAL Walnut Creek home. AS SUME 5V? LOAN.

A I tl S39.9S0. Make offer. RON MONROE. Rltrs. 939-8800 2861 Ygnacio Val.

Walnut Crk. Encino orancie Shopping ur PIRATES LAIR Secluded in Country Setting, this CASTILLIAN VILLA with Court yard. High Ceilings with hand Hewn Beams Pegged floors Reminscent ot OLD WORLD charm, i large Bedrooms. 2 Baths, Lavish Tile. in.

eludes self Contained Guest House 8. Fire Place. A bonus is vour SWIM POOL, Vet onl $32,000 GI.OK. NEWMAN RLTRS 40 Ygnaoo vaney rq. nainui Creek, 93J-840U 10 ROOMS MASSIVE bedroom, 3 bath home.

Double doors to targe entry hall staircase. Separate family room with large brick fireplace will give those long evenings of pleasure by the fire. $61,000. See this home you will love it. Call RILEY METCALF, 932-1000, eves.

283-6027. Realtors. Mason-McDuffie 1103 So. Walnut Creek NEGLECTED GIANT This 5 bedroom, 3 bath mansion needs cleaning ana a toucn or painting to make it shine like the neighborhood. Exclusive location.

Has the potential to be the best in the area. Personal reasons force quick sale at sacrifice price thousands below replacement cost! Hurry! CONGER LUNDBLAD, Realtors, 689-9800 ORSE COUNTRY in beautiful Tee Valley, level acre with low ramOling home. Large family room, 2 fireplaces. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, call to see, $47,950.

GRUBB ELLIS REALTORS 1551 Mt. Diablo, Walnut Creek 939-4200 SAVE $3000 WOW! WHAT A BUY! Priced $3000 below comparable homes in the area. Unusual circ*mstances forces sale ot this 3 2 bath, formal dining, great family rm. with enormous deck and privacy amidst lush landscaping. Only $34,500.

Fi nancial REAL ESTATE 3579 MT. DIABLO LAFAYETTE. 283-0990. JUST REOUCED. MAGNIFICENT custom built contemp.

on Golf Course. 4 bdrm, 3 bath 2va baths, fam. den study off main bedrm. 3 patios. Many extras.

$175,000. GRUBB ELLIS REALTORS 5 Moraga Wav. ORINDA 254-4385 F.ves. 254.5134 Pine Creek Townhouses $23,300. Near BART, frewvs.

snooping. Drapes, ext. maint. 3 pools. Frwy24 to Willow Pass; rt.

to Detroit and rt. 4 blks. to models. 10:30 'til dusk, (415) 689-2235. By Duffel Financial Const, Co.

ORINDA Panoramic view. 3 oaths, large level play area. Large family rm. $42,500. ELLIS 283- 3150.

$18,200 New 2 1J bath townhouse, professionally landscaped with pool and recreation facilities. Close to commute, Agent. 689-2055. HAPPY VALLEY. Lafayette.

Great big 3000 sq. ft. home. 5 bedrms. 3 baths.

$69,500 SCOFIELD Realtor 283-6239 GAROEN Creek of Danville, just so. of Walnut Creek, deluxe townhouses, pool, 80 sold out, from $27,4901 837-1491 NEW Homes CUSTOM BUILT. Vt ACRE sites in Rheem Valley or Danville. From $45,000. OSMUNDSEN 934-9318 DANVILLE NEW custom 5 bedrm, oath, formal dining, carpeted, view.

Henley's Red Carpet 837-8211 WALNUT CREEK from $30,600 SKYWEST Viewsite. Garden Patio Homes. Pleasant Hill Rd. nr, Geary Rd, CALL 937-4363. SAN Ramon rancher $28,920.

3 BR 2 ba. Owner wants action! Heritage House Rlty, 828-6060. ROSSMO0R, Walnut Creek. Americas outstanding adult communnp. rnone iiv CAMPOLINDO New models, low interest rates, re-opened by demand.

283-2455: 569-451? R0UNDTREE Garden homes from $17,750. Live in the best of 2 worlds. 689-8620 TRI-Level 4 BR. T-'i baths, deck; pano, ir cona. Lange-Hilde Realtors 828-6900 pIEASanT" Hill.

Beautiful new 3, 4 Bedrms. Move right in. Easy terms. 228-8255 745 HOMES, MARIN CO. RETREAT FOR SALE Peace tranquility yet easy commute.

Custom built 9 rms. on ii wooded acre. Sep. fam. rm, wbar.

Sep. dining, 3 lge. 2i ba. Lovely tri-county view. $58,500.

Attractive terms. Tankersley Realty 1450 Grant Ave. Novato 892-5008 or 897-6066 Joe Wright. 8'2-2585 SAUSALITO Charming rustic oupiex, ar view, consisting of 2 bdrm. upper and 1 bdrm.

Tower unit. Large oak studded lot. 2 car earave $54 900. LANGSAM REALTY CO. 332-2663 FAIRFAX 2 BR sep.

dm. rm Breakfast nook. Large yard. 1 aiotK to commute. $28,500, Owner 453 8757 FAIRFAX 5 bdrm.

sunny hillside nome. uecH, view, fireplace, baths, all elec kit. $34,950 Own tr 457-2661 MARINVIEW Homes. Mill Valley, Under Excell. VA finan.

10 minuses G.G. BrrdEn Closed Thurs. Apent. 383-3770 UPPER LU'-as Valley 5 BR. Eichler A-Frame wswrm pool, 4l9.6nn.

STHYMMFL 479-1350 4 79-1328 MAkiN highTandS Novate Finest Homes HERITAGE Remty 897770 Mannwoud 3 Perfect condition! A.E.K. 2 ba DON TIMMER, Realtor 4571400 GET free weekly newsletter of mill VALLEY homes for sate. Call KP7VAR Peaity. 388-0633 GHEENBRA. 4 BR.

3 ba. Tea. rumpus rm. Heated filtered po.ll. Agt.

457-3000 By American Housmt Guild. 3. 4. 5 hedroom Call 479-1761 NOVATO 4 2 ba'h, fam rm, formal dm. wwepfs.

Own- er trans must sen. Hi I 5''B7 MILL Vaiiey woodsy 3 BR. bath, huge game rm. $39,350 B'JPN Pr-a't-jr. 5772 GRtFNBRAt

Distintti waterfront homes, lots. The rjreonbra fjo AffT. 46 15s9 CORTE MADERA 3 br. 1 Ba. eve-ythuig.

View of Tam. $30, H' t-y 3 Mf) NOVATO -frnch s'yie 4 BR Fui tam. rm. id-K ped $44. '00 hCbTHf.ATr Pr iy SAUSALlTO ba, rflof.if iiv.

-r- rncorrre Pe'ly Mffvai'fiif 3)2 1619 Sonoma Co. 750-1 TRIPLEX Boauliful Valley of Hie Moon. Exc. cond. $i440 yr.

inc. f- itvtiiH). nin ')'! tfvTSTl AT Ao't. Homes (Con dominiums) 1 br. 2 br.

119.050. Santa Rosa. 544 35 ,0 SONOMA VALLEY PROPE fit 5 WOODS RtALtY 500 Broadway. Sonoma 996-8415 BY Owner CUSTcSm 3 2 bath home. EXTRASI Privacy (707) after 5.

1STOARCH Pel.ilunu. 3 4 t.v. front $23,500, $5i) clov ing costs. 707) 76? -8770 CASA Giaiide Manor. "Petaluma 2, 3 ttnd 4 BR.

homes $19,500 10 $75.950, (701 6MMHH, RIVER'S Bend Adult community 2 3 BR homes from $20,. )60. (707) 433-1497. Healilslmrg. LINCOLN MANOR OiiTflTftttn br I'a bth $19,950.

8'B Btn Santa Rose (707) 545 4131 SON1. Val-Large 4 BR. older home on 1 ac. $17,500. GltLENGRASS.

Realtor 996-6744 755 INCOME PROPERTY 11 NET RETURN New commercial bldg. at prime Bay Area corner, witn 25 year absolutely net lease, percent-aim Clause. Full once $344,000, DAMON RAIKE CO. Agents 397-3444 RICHMOND DIST. FLATS 4 COTTAGE Upstairs Flat has 5 rms.

4- 2 spacious Attic Kins. Lower a Rms. "Cute-Cozy" rear 4 rm. Cottage. $500 MO.

Inc. $55,000. OPEN SUNDAY! 658 bth Ave. COURNALE RE At TOR 752-3600 2250-52 Webster St. Pac, Hts.

Charming, Victorian 4 room fiats, original nrepiace, new bathrooms, garage, quite sunny garden. John Ager Assoc. 922 )770 VICTORIANS Green St, 4 Units $87,500 Wash. St. a units sh.suo Walnut St.

3 Flats $59,500 Selberg Biancalana Realtor 567-3B75 WASHINGTON ST. CHOICE AREA 2 and 1 bedrm. Flats Garden, gar, exc. condition $85,000 Selberg Biancalana Realtor 567-3875 OFF MISSION ON TEMPLETON DELUXE FLATS, 2-5'S Slashed to Newer Bedrm. Upper has view; rt- ens.

$355 Mo. Inc. Owner says "Low Down Pavmt. O.K.!" COURNALE REA1TOR 752-3600 8 DELUXE 1 BEORM. APTS.

Cor bldg. 11 yrs. old. Never on the market before. Drive by 1835-8ttl Ave.


Have 14 units near Westlake. Gross $26,460, net S20.178. Excellent building. Detached on large lot most units nave view wtr. bbi-uwu.

2 Spacious Flats Sunset nr. UC Med. Ask $41,950. Occupy 1 low net pmts. Rltr DONESON 584-0334 TAH0E S.

Shore, j-ixinn. home plus 6 units, plus duplex lot. Great return. $75,000. Will trade 5an Francisco property.

Agent. 441-2233 U.C. Medical Complex Just 2 blks. away. Income $4344 per annum.

Price $36,500. GURBARG Realtor 334-0200 Stucco Flats $29,950 Modern baths, cent heat. gar. SKYLINE 863-3933 UNITS 12 yrs old. Stall showers Elec Kit 1 bdrm, Owner carry 1st loan.

Parkside Dist. $67,500. ROMAN Realty 661-3000 PINEBuchanan, 3 large flats. New kitchens, baths wiring. So, view.

Fireplace. Large yard. $9,780 income on low rent. S. Price $79,500.

Realtor. 921-4884, 6 oriq. 3's $59,500 Nr. Market Dolores. Low rentals SKYLINE 863-3933 VERY modern spacious 2 bed- room flats.

Lower, newly redec. Elec, gate, full basem*nt. Bus at door. Best rental area! Agt. 566-1112 TAH0E 30 Units So.

Shore nr. beach, casinos heavenly. Asking $275,000, 10 dn. Will finance at 322-6631 days I0U. 6.4 Gross.

$25,000 DN. Tax Sheltered Return 32V'2. Newer with 3 Bdrm. 2 Bath Units. ATHERTQNCLEMENTS, 328-8000 huge 6-rm.

Victorian flats. Originat construction. Needs work, vacant. Will trade. 10 dn.

861-1385. TARAVAL ST. commercial close-in loc. Ideal medical office bldg. 25x100.

$49,950. COLUMBIA RLTY. 626-6657 COMM. office bldg. leased.

AAA tenant. 10.5N on 30M 24 return. Assume 40M 6 loan, 369-383? CONSIDER ALL OFFERS 10 apts. inc. $16,560.

Ask $117. 500. Drive by 844 Grove St. REALTOR 885-6970 18-4S! 1296-98 Hatcnt St. DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS.

Gross $31,000. Pr. $237,500. Brokers co-op. 661-3465 or 566-7020.

ANZA VISTA corner, 8 mod. 1 low rents. Ask $146,000. HANFORD FREUND CO. 47 Kearny Realtors 981-5780 SUNSET FLATS.

Modern 2 bdrm. unils. Stall firepl. One vacant. Priced low to sell.

SINS GOODWIN agt. 731-9351 2 BR. Flats Mission $3000 dn, a. 4 tsrt, rials noe uuan. 2 Bd.

cottage Mission S850dn. LINCSCH REALTY 648-1516 UPPER Market, 3 units car nage house copperpipes great Potential ask $44,950. HERTH REALTY 861-5200. UtNA VISTA TERR, Rouse- vfllt Wy. 2 mdrn.

flats, view, AEK. Best loc. Ask $57,000. COLUMBIA RLTY. 626-6657 SAN JOSE 12 Units.

Present annual er $16,500. Pr $126,000. 393-2150 55-3475 evr-swknds 4-PLEX TOWNHOUSE Mt. View. Yrly Gr.

$7920. Only $57,500 AD VALOREM REALTY 379 8411 NEW FLATS. On bus line nr. BART sta. 472 Monterey Blvd.

159.600 Oman Corrst, 333-6359 UPPER Mkt. 5 units, views, top-per pipes. 9,5 on low rent. $74.600. tut? Pity.

986-1226. TRADE SELL Upr, Mkt. 8 units. F-4s. Views.

$40,000 equity. $17,126 net. Aijt. 8079 3 UNI IS Dolores St. nr.

Market. Aik $44,950. 1-5, 1-6, 1-4. Try $5000 Aftt, 8679 MARIN A 2-4 rm. flats.

Very nice. Details at office. CBiSFZ CO. H.F. 921-6638 MODERN stucco apts 2 stures Army nr.

Mission. $94,690, Anchor Pfa'ty 5 DEN 3 bath flats rm. ft bath. kit. View! MAPX.

6,4 elei Suiisf Units with wilt. Mo- rievmnt-er, COI.ONIAL, Agt. 564-1100. MA RINA9 units, 6 2 brjs 3 cff. Gross $27,000.

NM $20 137 O. 9 nr-t. Apt. 626 8673. 1-6 1 5 (wratses.

Ww carp-l Irnrnxc. Nr. Dol0re-27lh St Ait. 'jf, 11 UNITS Mt. View, criMf f'Rht! $13 200 net.

(irks ro op iriyitnrl As; 53-0166. 34? 4972 PKEilDIO H7i i-5 bfi, 14 on. ween. virw. 2-5 twin fials near Poiraro Real tjargain for handyman.

Cnnimn Co. Rltr. 6M -i 500 0 A JTbTTl INT. 8 units, utter nr. larkin, '0fiftf) P'aHor.

63 0''6 DELUXE Hii.rilMund Ua'S, 5 2 baths extras! Try ttyii nn 'J 11 I laTs. (.. its- tn, si '4 'l 4i rt', Onto WJ09 ani I rrf, Nf'f Pr- pr A Casa Marinwood Townhouses Luxury 3-4 Befdrooms From $33,750 Beautiful early California style ilorv townhouses. Fenced-i patios and decks, fireplaces. All electric kitchens.

Wall-to wall carpeting, drapes, 2-3 bath, Home-owners recreational cen ter includes clubhouse, heated pool and full patio, gymansiuin and sauna. FHA and Attractive Conventional Financing FURNISHtD MODELS OPEN EVFRY DAY Fox 4 Carskadon Realtor Call 479-3089 Or 479 "6M MARIN HIGHLANDS Immaculate 3 2 bath In Western Novato! Sep, dining rm. t-amiiy rm, z-cir gimme, Level, sunny, landscaped. Good schools near. Great clean fresh air.

Ideal family area. $34,950. Realtors. TIMMER'S Terra Linda 'til 8 p.m. 2404 KIN1HLLD! $38,500 N-ar college, hospital, great schools and shopping! A 2 bath in a small ex clusive neighborhood won derful commuter location.

W-w carpeted. Fireplace. 2 car ga rage. Realtors. TIMMER'S Rafael 'til 8 p.m.

454-8002 MILL VAllEY. Terrific vame. all electric kitcnen farmiv rm. Cathedral hear ceilina living rm. wfirenlace.

Large workshop. Completely fenced and landscaped. Great commute. S32.500. Nile.

3HS 4381. GEDDES Realtors, 36 6160, TIBUR0N Pretty as a picture ml so scrupulously maintained and highly polished that it really shines. 2 lge. bdrms. baths.

Beautiful Bay view. Just listed and our I I y. $52,500 t.Ki iHn t.LL 5. rxeanors 456-3220 435-0992 SAN RAFAEL Water view. Move your large family right tn as owner transt.

3 bk oen, in 2 FPs. 2 wet oars, imer- retrie, sner, arver, 155.900. KAY NOAH, Realtor. 435-3185 CORTE MADERA Fine Famny home of 5 BR. 2 batns.

cor FP. Danelina. bookshelves! AEK dbl gar. Loveiy outdoor Irving. Walk to Granada School.

Fast commute $38 500 County wide Realtors WHERE you hke it close to everything. 2 I Dam. witn lever vara irun irews. must see in warm weather. LARKSPUR.

Just V8.XHJ. Ja- 9500. HOME LAND Real tors. CLOSE-IN non-tract, level Doughboy pool rear garoen, 2 br elec. kitchen.

Brick fireplace. Plus sep. guest cottage, c.vt f- I a a A Stunale Realtors, ssb-bibi. MILL Valley Brand new list- ng! Privacy, sun, peaui. view.

Wood paneled liv, rm. 3 BR's. Close to golf tenms courts. $42 500. CAGWIN 1 HAMILTON, Realtors.

jwoiu SAN Rafael 4 BR, 2 baths. Fenced level lot. $23,950 ABRAMS REALTY 339 3rd. San Rafael 457-1650 Village Sq Madera, 910 Grant, Novato 897-7181 TIBUR0N town houses. 3 BR'S, 3 ba.

swim. pool. Reduced 56,500. Owner will teise opt. S.F.

view; 4 BR. 3 ba. $53,950. KAY NOAH Realtor. 835-3185 MILL Valley older home, 3 or BR's, plus rumpus or work shop.

Best loc nr. everything. Old Mill School $48,500 Mill Valley Realty 3B8-4V3 TIBURON; Spacious 2 bdrm. home with BAY VltW! Magnifi cent garden, with fruit trees, ish pond! Newly painted inside out! ONLY $34,500. Nite 383- 0093 GEDDES REALTY 368-blbU MILL VALLEY Pets? Children? Ouiet country setting, carge sunny fenced lawn edged by cypress.

3 2 baths, punt-in Kuerten. Hanoy 10 com mute. $30,950, LEWIS 388-7441; eves. 388-9465 ROSS Bay Area's most desira- bla location, wind, smog, tog free privacy. IVi Ac.

Park-like. Live stream. Redwoods oaks. Mod. 2 BR.

home guest house, $60,000. Owner. 453-2341. MILL VALLEY Spacious 4 bdrm, 2 ba, lge FRML DIN KM, gallery hv rm, POOLSITE, Unique! $62,950. trs FOX CARSKADON Inc.

383-1453 EXECUTIVE HOME in Novato. 13 acre with many old oaks. 3 2'? baths, rec. much storage. $39,500 ALLEN Realtors 456-3880 SAN RAFAEL first showing.

Pan-oramic view. 3 2 AEK, fam. Vt acre. Walk to schools. Perfect! Owner $49,750.

454-1960. SAN RAFAEL 4 bdrms, 2 ba, lge fam rm, din rm. POOL. Family area. Immaculate! $59,850, Rltrs.

FOX CARSKADON Inc. 454-1010 CORTE Madera Reed School Dist. 3 BR s. 2 sep. fam.

rm. wFP. Formal dm. rm. Large priv.

corner lot. $39,950 KAY NOAH Realtor 435-3185 MODIFIED chalet (not too rus- tic). Lgr. lot with lots of lev. area 3 BR 2 baths, center hall plan $36,500.

BROCKMANN Realtor 388-5060 FORTE Madera $26,000 spacious 2 br. den. huee ivins rm. with fireplace, separate dining. car int.

9ii-9iBij. 6LO house 23 duplex complet- ed 42 22' on beached barge hull. New kitchen. Must move. SAUSALITO Dramatic bay view.

Split level, 2 or 3 bdrm, 2 ba. Lge. deck, privacy. $59,500, THOJAN BKr. 33Z-4600 NEW Kenney 4 BR model.

Only 1 story, lerra Linda Highlands. $43.500 472-2111 $22.500 2 BR, l2 baths lot 100X100. NrtS. tove 8. care.

BAH-CALOTTI Realtor 454-6983 A -A E. Excel, privacy. Great country home $44,500 LASH Really 456-6400 BELVEDERE 3 2 Baths Open plan beamed ceilings, oecks. fantastic views, car deck, owner. $80,500, 435-3260.

ITIBURON family tiome74, 5 or 6 BR's, FP s. spectacular f-. view. $85,000 KAY NOAH Real tor. 435-3185.

750 HOMES, NORTH BAY Scnoma Co. 750 1 KhHLH 125 ACRES Frontage on yr. round creek. 8 acs. irng, clover, 15 ac.

orchard, organic veget. gard, Unique, spacious ranch house 3 guest cabins. Sheep, horse, trucks, bulldozer incl. Gd. hunt ing for deer, wild pigs birds in fishing country.

Much much ore, uwnr. o88B-252fi eve. MODERN 10 Rms. 5 yrs. old.

trpics. baths, pool, imported Itanan drapes, crystal chanOn- her met. Overlooking petalu ma. Easy mamt, $85,000. (707) GOLFER'S PARADISE Santa Rosa, Country Club Fair way, custom 10 a lee.

$43,500. 170 M5-M53 CONSiljI.Rit.G SANTA ROSA? Ve can help you Cull or write WIKIUP PROPERTIES 100 Wikiiip S.R, 646-8000 SANTA ROIjA by Ortner. 3 yr. oid tn-ievei fam. frpl.

inds'tH. patio. WMA-r, WANT i Urns o7T more? Can you qualify per month? Call 1701 763 7173, fPP MEADOW tstaifs bants i or pa horn $27,950 up. Cuslom finance tU7) M5-l) or yn-'ib MGVi'i'i to sAnta Call CAMP3EI.L REALTY for your rmi estate neerts V7 4m, Santa Rrn-a 544-5131 S0N3ma, Immac. 2 fully ignast.p., nuife gitcn.

vv pantry oinetre laundry s'orate rm Ownr. 7o 7 home, yif. tfr SONOMA Hout i 2 Mori ft Pltrs, UiM HOV.t.ri from 41 7 Of TMF MOON Prr.1 TV REDWOOD CITY Duplex 3 br. 2 ba. 2 br, 1 ha.

West of El Cainlna. Asking lui dn. Will Finance, at 8'. A. Menlo Pnrk Older duplex.

$28,000. 10 down. Will finance at Menlo Par I units 4-2 hr. 4-1 Oft Willow Rd. Asking $125,000.

10 down. Will finance at 8iao. Palo Alto 10 Studios on Alma nr. Oregon expressway. Asking $145,000.

10 down. Will finance 8VjV Palo Alto 4 2-bedr. 2-bath town houses. 290 Curtner. Asking $66,000, 10 down, Will finance 8VaN.

San Jose 2 deluxe 4 plr.xet, oft Stevens Creek, Will sell 1 or both. Asking $75,000 per unit 10 down. Will fiance 8Vs CALL DAYS 322-6631 3 VICTORIAN FLATS PROMISING PINE ST, LOCA-TION. 2-7's, 1-6's. 3 fireplaces each, giirage.

Present mo. in. come $810. Can be increased, Asking $73,500. RICHMOND FLATS 714-716 35th AVE.

Spacious 2 bedrooms, dining rooms, stall showers. Close to shops and transportation, GRUBB ELLIS REALTORS 2537 OCEAN AVE. 334-1880 4 UNITS HYDE ST. BET. BAY NORTH POINT, 4 unit blria, in Most desirod North Beach area.

Ideal for decorators. Owner will carry 1st mortgage at 7.5 with good down. Asking $64,500 Call now for further info. CASTRO RLTY. 2773 MISSION 282-782! RICHMOND BIG 2 BDRM.

FLTS 18th AN2A $49,500 WIENER ASOC, REALTORS 661-0400 Xclnt. commercial location. 2 stores 2 offices above located on Castro vie. 17th Market Sts. Long est.

tenant will lease back. This choice proper ty on 4.5X100 lot priced to sell. $110,000 trms. JOHN PERRY 4696 Mission St. Agt.

334-5000 325 24TH AVE. 4 Brand New Apts. Luxurious 3 BR, 2 ba, owner's unit, quality construction. Carpets, drapes GE appliances, Low interest rate. Builder.

546-1153. Open dailyl to 5 p.m. FOR SALE Modern service station major tenant 15 year lease. Price $104,000, 8.5 return try 9 offer. Call Mr.

Cooper or Mr. Jerry Lewis. COLDWELL, BANKER Realtor: 57 Sutter St. 781-5420 SERVICE STATION 8.5 return 15 yr. net lease ma jor on company top location $7160 annual net asking $84,000 try $78,500.

Call Jerry Lewis or Alan Cooper. COLDWELL, BANKER Realtors 57 Sutter St. 7B1 5420 PINE-FRANKLIN 8 2-BEDRM. modern units in prime cond. rn this choice rental location, super-fancy architect designed building.

DE WOLF REALTY 752-3811 VICTORIAN FLATS, beautifully restored, Big deck, full basem*nt garage. 5 antique chandeliers, shutters, stained glass windows, included. Paul Lan-Rley Co. Agt, 387-8694 HOLLOWAY NR. BRIGHT FLATS 2-5'S Modern 2 Bedrms.

Stall shwrs. Firplcs. Elec. Gate leased at $38.0. Mo.

$41,000 Low dn. Pym. mignt tane COURNALE REALTOR 752-3600 BOWLING co*cklail bar lanes). In active resort area, vr round oper. Liquor lie, all $150,000.

Mted-Dental bldg, all dental eqpment Mini-Golf, Excel, clientele. $68,500. MAKAROFF Rlty. Santa Rosa. (707) 542-8010 Heart Patients! 2 Steps to front door.

2-5 rm. flats nr. 29th Church. Solid bldg. 10 cash down, at low price of $31,500.

Gordon Realty 431-8787 9 True Net New building under construc tion. Qualified tenant has 15 yr. lease, $80,000. Mr. West, GALLAGHER STURI ALE, Rltrs.

479-1200 Mod. Flats Immaculate Like new, 25 rm. flats nr. San Bruno Ave. All rms lite sunny.

Lrg. gar. Offered at only $55,950.00. Terms. Also consider Trade.

Anchor Realty. 621-2700 eves. JO 7-0534. Upper Market Income 4-4 Rm. flats off Castro St.

bus line. Tile baths. Gross income Cash out of trade $55,950. Gordon Realty 431-8787 FEATHER YOUR NEST 6 NEWER APTS. 2-2 BR, BR.

Nets $8500. Price $93,000. $13,000 Down! Dorosin. Hansel! Choy 775-3222 28 APTS. Corner bldg.

completely remod eled. Nets over $36,000 on very low rents. Will sell at 11 return. Trv vour termstrade. WARD CO.

AkR 776 5086 INNER RICHMOND Newer 4-? bdrm 2-1 bertrm, Blt- ins new paint low maintenance, HIGH yield $16,500 Gross or TRADE BUSCHMAN 731 8431. Near Presidio Ave. THREE VICTORIAN UNITS 2 FIVES 1 THREE $35,500 DA VI RLTY. 221-9700 8 APTS. SAN JOSE Townhouse Tvne All 2 bedrms.

7 yrt old, $16,000 down on $89,500, WILLIAM GOODWIN COMPANY Sutler Realtor 392-7821 36 Apt. Stkn. Xlnt Cond, loc, ne trms. Own ill, (209) 982-1093 OPEN 136-8 Clifford Terr. 3 BR.

2 ha. Vw. Gem RE. 5210 VICTORIAN flats, 3 BR, 2 car Gar. Phillips.

752 6300. Hot! NO. of" MKT. 30 Units, hefts work. Financing! Agt, 441-7204 NEW bldg.

Isd. to 9'4. 362-8631 $125,000. Scudder. 760 BUSINESS PROPERTY" LAND MARIN CO.

6.2 acres approx. Include! grerrn belt. Approved 84 units apts, or could go commercial Across from regional shopping cenurr. vipw ot valley and hills, Paris ready for construction. Utilities in.

Can deliver imme diately by owner, Cell Mr Rr-ll. 4518192 2.34 Ac. 2onl C3, Good ban la Rosa Ave. location, I. EASED store room for Mies lot $75,000, ME YE Rlty.

2654 Men docino Santa Rosa. (707) 54S fM 512WI 28 FRONT Ft, on Miracle mile, Mann's traveled route 70.000 4 Sq, t. For sale or leane. By Owner 453 2508 765 INDUSTRIAL WAHtHOOSE for or lease, lev. II .000 sq.

fj blocks from San 2 block 10 101 Hwy, Com plete sprinkler srvtem. Air cond. $240,000 or len-e at Kit per sq. ft. Mr, Attr-ll 8 54 5 3.

or Mr. Pnhuriios. I i a''a-K'-er Pejur-v 466 02 FOR Len or i'e, Moorn 1 htory Ririj! 20 Sq Ft. fi-ior, w- roiwBioui fighling Me.oltirM 1301 Polruro Anr-y il freiiiy Eotrame, Lease all orpsrt. your broker cll owner Mr.

20 0(10 to. ft. 1 tturv concrel rail dock) nr. Freewny, awi)iai)i iinnit'u. eaiow innrnni price, DAMON RAIKE CO.

ACI'NT. 397-3444 WAREHOUSES SO. S.F 3400 mi. ft. So.

Airport, lloaq. ft. MOO t. ft. let He ll'a ft, HMD so.

finish to suit. POt FT! I Rf All 71.1 2424 ET4FifcE S.F. Wartihouse IJni offices prime paik location, centor freeways, buses 5 mm. to Market St. See the best.

Adequate parkmn. w.ii whie. 540-1400 q. it Rich, Ind. Village loth Wright.

Hii-hmonri. 2.12 9150 MiTLB RAE" Llgli TnduTlnaT 7200 14,400 iq. It. Prime Invest, loc, Agt. 441-7204 770 COUNTRY PROPERTY SI ROUT REALTY presents over dsu unices across me u.o.m.

with pictures descriptions ot ranches, recreation properties, acreages, homes, farms, tmsi nessest Send now, ip code please. ST ROUT REALTY, 41 Sutter San Francisco. Calif. 94104, Dept CD. (415! 9" 6 2876 UNITED FARM FRFE 256-page SPRING 1971 catalog Farms, Ranches, Businesses, Town and Country Homes COAST TO COAST! UNIT ETl FARM AGENCY, 1015-A Monadnock 681 Market San Francisco, Calif, 54105.

4J5 392-8831. 220 Acies nr. Gait (Sacto, Cty.) 55 ac. being planted in varietal grapes wsprinklers 20 yr, lease. Plentiful water, mostly level land.

Now in truck gardens, $350,000, good terms. GRUBB ELLIS, Realtors San Rafael 456-3220 CHRIS BECK SOUTH of heustpol 3 I bath country home, sep. fam. rm. firepl.

Nice soil for the gardener. Home approx. 3 yrs. old on Ac. Just right for the country gentleman $26,950.

Tierra West 899 Grav. SehastopoL (707) 823-7476 40 ACHES Klamalh surrounded by Nat'l Forest. Close to rivers, lakes, Hiway, Power, Full price $9,000. $100 down. $65 write your phone number in rejlytoown-er.

This Paper AD No. 73416 COBB MTN. Lake County-Lge 2 BR home, liv. rm. dinette, all elec.

kit Heat, Ig raised hearth frplc, ww carpets, drapes, 4 yrs old, 2 patios, Landscaped grden, pine oak, $27,500. (707) 928-5039 ALBION by the Ocean." 5 level acres covered with trees. Excellent Climate. Unbelievable Only Low down Payment. FRIEDRICH-GRIBBON 939-2700 1828 Mt.

Diablo, Walnut Creek LAKE DON PEDRO 5.2 acres with year round stream, beautiful pine and oak trees, water and electricity. Paved Cul-de-sac. 364-3018345-5268. NEVADA CO. COMMERCIAL LAND.

19.6 ac. Ideal tor recreation use. Suited to motels, hotels, restaurants, etc. Middle of ski area on Interstate 80 at intersection of Hwy 20. $49,000.

REALTOR. NIPPER MARCHANT 456-9622 20 ACRE Sierra parcel. Wooded. i mi. trom lane, norqers paveq county road.

5400 elevation. Electricity, telephone, $2000 per acre. Write This Paper AD No. 61103 HISTORICAL LAND 35 acres, trees, creek, Nr. BodrRa bay.

ist Kussian settlement site, indian burial ground. Hazel MITCHELL, Rltr. Box 68 Bnrlega Bay 707-875-3407 PRIVATE LAKE Plus 20 acres in Lake County's beautiful hunting valley. Organic farmers delight! Easy easy trms. Incredible? at (415) 221-7386 CEDAR vacation residential homes.

85 plans. Mail $1.00 for Color catalog. Lmoal Homes of California, 310 Lang Rd Burlin-Eame. 314-7121. FREE RANCH GUIDE l'2 to 40 Acres in the Rogue River Valley $2995 to $5995 full price.

Cal-Ore. Ranches, 1054-CM South Riverside. Med-ford, Oregon 97501. 200 Acres, Six miles from city of Napa home, cabin. Detached partyroom.

Barn. Ideal property for horses, Creek through property. Only $120,000, Good terms. Tara Hills R. E.

(415) 223-7970 ESTATE SALE NAPA COUNTY. Approx. 47 acres near ouveraoo country Club. Contact Bank of America, Trust PO Box 1090, Santa Rosa, 20 ACRES $9,950 Grass Valley, the unbelievable beauty of the Sierras, 100 mi. view, oaks, meadows, utils, avl.

owner trms, (408 356-4070 17 Secluded acs. dirt Road, view of. Clear Lake. Flat to Hilly, adjoined small priv. lake.

No broker fees. Owner financed by offer, 10 down, 10 yr. Balance. LAND! River creek ocean Bigsmall parcels in Pines-Level Nat, Forest surrounds $50 mo. no dn.

pay O.K. Owner forced to sell! Box 448, Smith River. Cal. 707-487-5015 MARIPOSA Yosemita area, 1 to i acres. Mt.

Retreats. Trees, 30(X)' Elec, on Hiway. $3900 up. ALSO; 40 ac. nr.

Bass Lake. $18,500. Agt. P.O. Box 862, Mariposa INCLINE Village-James Lane lot tor sale.

Lake View subchv. $16,800 sewer, bond 1 to 12 Ac. (408) 294-5115 $7500 buys a lot at Shelter Cove in the redwoods. 1,000 yds. to ocean.

Fishing and abalone avrtil. All improv, ready to build. 6 32 6442. SKI DODGE RIlJGE. Build near by, FOR SONORA PAS? LOT Brochure: Strawberry Ridge.

Box 11. Strawberry. La. 9535. BG SUR.

20 ac. Magnificent Vw. Ocean, Kewds. Pri, access rd. Utilities owner (213) 399-1 806.

TAHOE Paradise So. Shore 2 lots, $6500 eg. assumpt. of taxes and assess. (408 249-5115 AMAOOr County 48 acre wooded retreat.

$460 an acre, 35uu tt. elev. 916 489 8177 Rio NlOO Lg. home comol. turn.

$7500. terms, In- come plus, Choice, 583 7515 lAKE SHASTA acre lot, Streets, lights, water. Near lake, $4500. (916) 383-2040, after 5 N. 1AHOE.

Plush blrlg. Rile, util. hi. 43u. steal, em.

do ius, Tahoe Vista, ca. 9l6-5ih 21 Ac Prim land 3 BR home close to Sama Rosa. $105,000, MAKAROFF Plly. (707) 642 8010 39 Ac. rir.

new lake. Views. Oi)0. Gehrke Rlty. 451 college, Santa Rosa.

516.0973 "rur-iru phi rwriuriAKF 5 ac. pines, Calav. Co. $69'i0. Owner bnanre.

(4 15)276-9 1 00. AC, nr. Sdiila Rosa. 3 rm. tim.

Pasture, trees. $18,500. lomhe Sehl'tpoi 707-823 64 75 cTlav'f'RaS CO. improved vacation lot, ac. nr, rec.

$3500, 10. dn'trade auto. 967 081 SANTA CRUZ 2 vacation cahm on 1.9 ai res. Agt. 621-1187 or 71 2008.

NO. fAHOf. level 17? ac, lot nr lake. Util. $wr in.

Ti-rn-S r.4'l CT.FAHIAKF IjU Lo i-re. Pest inv.tBX ftrinnr Write this tinner Ad No.5314 i'Tl A S. nun 'ir pinei, tke vn-ws. 916 8h5 7382, Hox pl? stlf. f'a CTEARiAKE I.Ut.TRNFliO ft.

bite front. $25,000. Best ly-a irinr-tn 7" tDCFAN froriiatre'" 40Ac. jr Ar- 1Z trm, MArr Forf Rr.ieg t0794 UVTONVlTtE, I wm.rie-l ratM fli'lliV'OS. I IK I4I W-4 14-ej I'H lot ARfiM r'in-t 5 ti or I tur Knc.

4. 5 A rP. li.e Fi -Tr i i art, (Soil 'I. 7 ('ill 0 4f, SB UiA7i hill, liriine 1 hrfrm-h t.tyi04 Aet 74 iti .4 I AC. Sierra iff fcrood Td 740 HOMES, EAST BAY Contra Costa Co.

740-2 CASTILLIAN CASTLE of SPANISH MOTIF boasts 2200 so ft on Estate Size Grounds, Fantastic view of fabled Mt. Diablo. 4 bdrms. 2 i baths. Wrought Iron Gates, open to Majestic Beam Ceiling Living Room whuge ARCHED ADOBE FIRE PIT FORMAL DINING, Mammoth 20 ft Game Room.

Central Air Cond, Vast Patio Area. UNBELIEVABLE AT BETTER HOMES RLTY 931-1131 2630 No. Mam Walnut Creek $33,500 Presidential Palace 5 BIG BDRMS. huge baths, mammoth living im. with unioue PRINCE VALIANT FIRE PLACE, sep.

dining laundry rm. came rm. walk in closets. kins size level grounds with towering trees, sec usion pri vacy also a heated filtered SWIMMING POOL, Unbelievable buy. Only Ktoodlev Tefs Rltrs lbl2 N.

Mam St. Walnut Creek a- TOWERING OAKS land a meandering stream is the setting for irns DANVILLt MUIVX. lounr rea for the discrim i nuver. Home offers three oversized bedrooms, ih, full harks format dining rnnm inH mflV CUStOrtl fPfi- tures. Phone for an appoint ment today you will be glad you oioi soi.suu.

mu. GRUBB ELLIS 685-2244 "LITTLE ABNER" Setting with that out- in-me-SllCKS Tldvur, ariuruoiK nrivxc.v without isolation. Nes tled in almost a half acre of rins hiuh-standma timber on the banks of a tiny brook. A bin rambling home of more than jtmnie nroportions. Spa cious living rm.

redwood parv elina. massive stone fireplace. formal dining. Big separate rumpus with bar. 4 2 baths.

G. I. FHA Terms. Fantastic. $35,950.

BOB DAVIS Rltr. 3375 Mt. Diablo, Lafayette. 284-7056. LOW DOW PAYMENT 'wilt handle the purchase of this BRAND NEW 7 Room Modern ORINDA Rancher with 2 Baths, Formal DininR Room and Family Room.

Plush a pet i ft throughout. A RARE OPPORTUNITY made possible only because "Low overhead" builder needs cash. Hard to duplicate at $41,950. PHONE 284-1122 or 935-4200 BONANZA, Realtor LAFAYETTE 3435 Mt. U'amo Blvd.

Muir Meadows GARDEN VILLAS from $22, ,600 Minutes from Sun Valley Center walnut Creek. 2 2 baths, your own city si2e lots, elec. kitchens, ww carpeting, luxury master bedrm. Suites open daily Call 228-7222 or 432-2983. SUPER CHARM LAFAYETTE'S BEST BUY.

Dreamy ranch home with goos of curb appeal. Heavy shake roof, 3 bedrms, 2 baths, modern elec. kitchen. All drapes curtains stay. Privacy view.

Walk to BART. Won't last at $39,950. Realtors. Mason-McDuffie 1103 So Calif. Walnut Creek OWNER'S SACRIFICE Is vour gain on this 3 bdrm California rancher.

Lge. living room and dining farm style kitchen breakfast area and yards of formica counter tops. Lge. patio wBBQ. Easy maintenance yards.

FHA appraisal $24 500. I. DEUTSCHtR Rlt. 2350 Contra Costa Pleasant Hill. 935-2020.


F. ANDERSON REALTOR 2051 Mt. Diablo Walnut Creek Ygnacio Valley Area of Walnut Creek CUSTOM HOMES IN WALNUT WALK 3, 4, 5 6 Bedrooms FROM $45,450 FALENDER HOMES 933-6494 DISTRESS SALE! Immac. ranch. Fantastic VIEW! 3 bedrms, 2 baths, built-in kitcn-en.

Fam. Rm. Form. Din. Rm.

Beautiful Free Form POOL. uuaiity noma, exclusive area. $39,950. ALLIED BROKERS 939-4242 2061 Mt. Diablo, Walnut Creek LAFAYETTE, for the luxury home buyer.

6000 sq. ft. custom home. 5 4 baths, rumpus and proiect room. The very latest modern kitchen.

Sit uated on a 1 acre secluded knoll. Offered at $187,500. Coldwell, Banker, Rltr. 3593 Mt. Diablo, Lafayette 284- 10 FARMERJOHN PLACE Rus- nc red Ik white tarmhouse sur rounded by picket fence up on a nil witn view, oearms baths, large remodeled country style electric kitchen with dining area.

Brick fireplace. carpeting. Covered patio, im maculately landscaped yard tfa.W. I TWO MIL W1-VIIV, A FJ A PLACE Sur rounded by white ranch fence on tree ituooea tot. modern kitchen, sepa rate dining.

Large 13 20 ft. family room. Carpeting, brick fireplace. Take over 5Wi FHA loan, payments $148 per month including taxes. $26,600.

DYNAMIC Walnut Creek. 933-4100. ORINDA COLONIAL Walk to transportation wood sy, level lot. 5 2ia baths, sep. dining tarn.

rms. 2600 sq. ft Ideal for large ami. iy. $71,590.

MASSIE UNDERWOOD. Rltrs. Bryant Way, Ormda CALL DAY OH NIGHT O.K. COHRAL Private drive winds down through forest set ting to secluded 3 bdrm, 2 bath ranch home. Elect, blt-in kitch en, family room, massive tlag-sione fireplace, beamed ceiling.

Workshop HORSE CORRAL on the property. $49 950, QyNAMlC 77nQ, Frank LToTrj style home on secluded FULL ACRE in prestiae Alamo nr. Country Club. Quality craftsmanship. 3 2 baths, yourmet, etc.

MAYNAPD tafnyetfe, 283-06''0. 2d ino.vidually designed NEW HriMFViM.W to in OHiNOA-MORAGA and ALAMO- DANVILLE areas plus Obeauti. ful bulling site fnr custom John, HAROLD W. SMITH U), i vj. ft.

roof. Mam ceilings 4 fcd. 2 ba form. sunken iiy. rm, vo.

fam. unl-. over ac, i rtmk w-t'ina. Hurry $44,250 Ity. MARCO VwtLNUT Ckti.K Luxury condominium (tiling model homes' izlJ'M or TRAOE vour in It-C-Hf, LI hi-vi 4 bed i rsr new Myt.

From I 12'-, 150! 'a bsa to Hi-j (Richmond V' i rti- to 5onng Vauiy igns V.h-1 I 'LH BUFFALO in OnruiaH fes, Irv tip'i ffw-y fuam near th'S -utrv 4 Mrrrt, i Mfh snht-ievef 3 STICKMAKER-' All found their jobs in the WANT AO SUPERMARKET i Need help writing your SUPERMARKET WANT AD Friendly, experienced want ad takers will be happy to help you JUST PHONE 777-7777 The luckiest number In town mrir hf" fnwy (4i'i) 5't lins ono-o-'i fi. A ft hi. Home 'on nr 15 Wh'tw lr SAN area, I BR. i rsfh( $43 PfiUY MV "IS IWS PACIFIC HIS. -1st o'fr 1-6 LP hue Vict, flsls.

Owner in' ft pa-nf Buy ofi W. Niia. -on'm ov,.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.