- Intel
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 12 March 2024
Compiled Tues. 12 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”
US Banks No Longer Allowed to Make Loans on Fiat US Dollar
Chinese Real Estate Market Bankrupt
It’s only wise to have at least a three-week supply of food, water, cash, fuel, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others in case of a disaster.
“Come, Ye Children of the Lord”
Come, ye children of the Lord,
Let us sing with one accord.
Let us raise a joyful strain
To our Lord who soon will reign
On this earth when it shall be
Cleansed from all iniquity,
When all men from sin will cease,
And will live in love and peace.
We all wish we could make the world a better place. It’s just that we assume big problems require big solutions, and our efforts seem so small. But what if, instead of being paralyzed thinking of what we can’t do, we each picked something simple wecando?
For example, what if we decided to give others the benefit of the doubt, to be slower to judge, and to truly wish them well? Do such small gestures really change the world? Yes, they do, because they change people, and people are what make up the world. The change may not happen overnight, but it does happen—moment by moment, day by day, one softened heart and one healed relationship at a time. …Lloyd Newell
If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.
Timeline – What a Week Before Us!:
- On Mon. 11 March the Q Clock ended at 2pm EST and the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) now required that banks would no longer get funding for their loans from the Federal Reserve Board, so any loan they made would have to be out of their own gold-backed monies and not made on the fiat US Dollar from the Federal Reserve. This is a D***h Sentence for US Banks.
- Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification to set redemption/exchange appointments could occur at any moment. Tier4b will have 14-15 days to exchange at Redemption Centers at the special rates, after which you would have to exchange at the lower rates of a bank.
- On Fri. 15 March the new gold/asset-backed US Note could be available to the General Public and will replace the old Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar in ATM machines. It was also likely that on that same Fri. 15 March Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out and Social Security increases will begin.
Recent GCR History
- On Thurs. 22 Feb. the C***l capitulated, followed by Trump releasing the final phase of The Plan – which was M**********s. Those arrests were hoped to be completed by Fri. 15 March.
- On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member including having set their new Iraqi Dinar Rate, which the next day on Wed. 28 Feb, the Central Bank of Iraq announced as $3.47. Then the Dinar went live on back screens of the Forex for $2.70 and began fluctuating upward in value.
- By Thurs. 29 Feb. at around 7 pm EST Iraqi PM Al Sudani formally announced that the Dinar was asset-backed and Iraq had officially joined BRICS.
- On Fri. 1 March, with various countries new currency rates having been agreed upon, Iraq officially joined other BRICS nations for the Global Currency Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.
- On Thurs. 7 March after Actor Biden’s State of the Nation Address, President Trump hit the Green Light that released the new gold/asset-backed US Treasury note to the World.
Global Currency Reset:
- Fri. 8 March Texas Snake: Banks have been placed on alert beginning Mon. 11 March. He felt we might get notified on Mon. but exchanging would start a few days after that.
- Fri. 8 March Dave XRPLion Part 2 Best Ever! Deep Dive ZIM Bond$ NESARA GESARA Redemption Centers – Must Watch Trump News Just ADDED: The Definitive Guidebook: Step-by-Step (PDF) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com) Judy Note: Although Dave is very knowledgeable about the redemption process, please understand that his statements are in his opinion only and not officially from the GCR Redemption Team. If you have questions about the process you can ask them to the person with whom you make your appointment.
Global Financial Crisis
- Mon. 11 March: Wall Street and regional banks scramble for new funds as the FED ends emergency lending program, aimed at keeping failing banks afloat during banking collapse. https://www.disclose.tv/id/ar418mxb7p/
- Mon. 11 March Argentina arrests $400 million Crypto Currency Ponzi Scheme Founder: https://news.bitcoin.com/latam-insights-argentina-arrests-400-million-cryptocurrency-ponzi-scheme-founders-brazil-defines-crypto-regulation-as-a-priority/
- Mon. 11 March JP Morgan Chase Employees Steal $1,800,000 From Customers: https://dailyhodl.com/2024/03/10/jpmorgan-chase-employee-steals-1800000-from-customers-and-v*****s-of-elaborate-r*****e-scam-report/
- Mon. 11 March BTFP, a bank program that provides loans to institutions to support the U.S. financial system, was now closed. Banks could no longer make loans unless their monies were gold/asset-backed: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/us-banking-sector-speculation-btfp-closure/
- Wells Fargo, Bank of America, PNC to close 1,300 Branches this year: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/yourmoney/article-13160397/bank-closure-wells-fargo-bank-america-pnc.html
- BRICS sets up anti-money laundering working group – Tehran Times: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/495984/BRICS-sets-up-anti-money-laundering-working-group
- Starting on Monday, March 11th, banks will be prohibited by law from loaning the fiat US Dollar, according to an announcement from the Federal Reserve Board. During a period of stress last spring, the Bank Term Funding Program helped assure the stability of the banking system and provide support for the economy. After March 11 banks and other depository institutions will continue to have ready access to the discount window to meet liquidity needs. Nonetheless, the BTFP’s closure is likely to increase banks’ borrowing costs, meaning their profit margins will fall. They might react with higher lending rates or by making less credit available to customers, potentially weakening the economy.https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20240124a.htm
- Mon. 11 March Tokyo stocks tumble in morning on tech selling, stronger yen, Nippon.com: https://www.nippon.com/en/news/kd1139763573484061255/
- Mon. 11 March Chinese Real Estate Market Bankrupt: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/11/chinas-housing-minister-property-developers-must-go-bankrupt-if-needed.html
- Thurs. 7 March The largest shareholders for Xcel Energy Inc. (XEL) are the same hedge funds/banks who also have ownership in many of the railroads and chemical giants responsible for environmental warfare in the United States over the last 3 years. It is worth noting that Xcel Energy admitted today that its equipment was likely involved in the start of what is now the largest wildlife in Texas history.
- On Mon. 11 March the “Bank Term Funding Program,” the infamous #BTFP, will be history. There should not have been any surprise about this if it weren’t for the fact that the banking situation today is much worse than it was one year ago when the #BTFP was launched.
- If you have doubts about how critical the #BTFP was to keep the whole financial system together, I suggest you read my previous analysis on the topic to help better understand what I am going to discuss next, starting from the “THE BIG BANKS ARE ALREADY UTILIZING THE FED BTFP!”
- So, not only is the #FED letting the #BTFP end soon, but this is also happening without an equivalent replacement in place.
- Yes, the Discount Window is available and banks should learn to use it, but what the #FED is apparently not understanding (or pretending not to) is that most of the banks cannot use it. Why?
- The high-quality collateral current market value is deeply below par (while, let’s not forget, the #BTFP allowed banks to borrow against collateral pretending it was worth much more than it truly was). As a result, they would not be able to access the same amount of liquidity through the Discount Window compared to the #BTFP, leaving a gap to be filled.
- Banks, in a never-ending rush to minimize their cost of capital and maximize their leverage and profits, began to aggressively re-hypothecate their (and often their clients’) assets to access liquidity after the GFC. Consequently, using the Discount Window is very capital inefficient for them.
- The primordial reason why banks are so reluctant to use the #FED discount window is that everyone else in the market will know the best quality assets they hold are being pledged as collateral to the #FED, leaving all other creditors hanging on worse quality, if not radioactive ones. This is why once a bank is c****t using the Discount Window, all other lenders will try to pull their liquidity from them (ultimately accelerating its downfall).
- Banks will not be able to use the #BTFP anymore.
- The Discount Window isn’t a viable alternative to replace the #BTFP.
- Since the banking crisis last year, not a single bank raised capital, but their balance sheet losses even increased.
- Banks that borrowed from the #BTFP will need to come up with $79bn to repay the #FED loans by the 4th of April.
- As you can see from this table I prepared, the biggest amount of #BTFP loans are expected to be repaid in the next 4 weeks: – $11.9bn this week – $41.7bn next week – $10.7bn in 3 weeks – $14.6bn in 4 weeks.
- How the hell can they do that? If it was hard to find $1bn for $NYCB to the point there wasn’t a better alternative than (locust) hedge funds, it doesn’t take a financial wizard to figure out the chances $79bn can be found in 4 weeks are realistically low.
- Why can’t banks just walk away from the #BTFP? Doesn’t the #FED have collateral against the money they borrowed if they do so?
- Banks cannot simply walk away and not repay money borrowed from the #BTFP because that was made in the form of a “loan” and defaulting against it will trigger all cross-default clauses in every other borrowing facility available to them.
- Yes, it’s an incredible mess without any visible escape route. This is why I am arguing the #FED is potentially starting a banking crisis today and, honestly speaking, I don’t think people at the #FED aren’t intelligent enough to see it coming which makes me wonder if perhaps they are willingly starting a banking crisis this time. https://x.com/dariocpx/status/1766984960639172993?s=46
Mon. 11 March The D***h of Brick & Mortar Banks, Ariel: https://x.com/prolotario1/status/1766985129681944917?s=46
- A paradigm shift is not an event its a process. Everything will eventually be online for the sake of convenience and profit. Why continue lending to institutions that people are using less and less?
- Nor to mention they do not have the capital to meet consumers demands. Especially when they actually have to have physical reserves and not just numbers on the computer to lend out loans to customers that can’t afford the interest and end up owing on their mortgage.
- Then if the banks have too many foreclosures on their books they end up shutting down as well. The derivative market is another layer to this that is aiding in all of these bank closures that is forecasted to be 1,300 by the end of the year.
- Not to mention the bank runs alone will cause most of these institutions to fold under after March 11th. So there is a plethora of reasons why we are where we are at this crucial time in the financial sector.
(Note: Only financial related content was included in this report. You can view and download the full report on Operation Disclosure Official. ~ Dinar Chronicles)
Source: Operation Disclosure Official
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