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Dinarland Highlights – 8.23.24
BGG (Dinar Updates)
Article Quote:
“Economic Achievements of Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani – An Analysis of Non-Oil Revenue Growth in Iraq – 2022-2024”
“…Under the leadership of Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani, Iraq has achieved significant growth inits non-oil revenues, rising from seven trillion Iraqi dinars to twenty-seven trillion dinars in two years. This remarkable increase indicates a strategic shift towards diversifying the economy and enhancing its stability.”
[via PDK]
Question: What happened to Iraqs ascension to the WTO on Aug 18th?
MarkZ:My Iraqi source say they are done…they are complete….and waiting for an announcement to tie it with the HCL.They tell me they are done and prepared and fulfilled all the requirements…and told this will be announced soon….
“Iraq Now Moving Backwards in Battle to Strengthen the IQD”
Iraq is having problems with the US dollar. Too many people still want to use the US dollar instead of the Iraqi dinar…This problem will not go away…it will not disappear until the value of the dinar is closer to the dollar or more than the dollar. It will completely go away the moment the dinar is worth more than the US dollar.
I am told this is part of the push coming out of the CBI right now because they know its causing issues for them if they do not go ahead and increase that value. I am told this is part of why in Iraq this weekend is in the crosshairs.Will they do it? Will they raise the value?I don’t know but that is certainly the chatter right now. This is from my finance ministry connection and a couple contractors over there…Let’s hope the rumors for this weekend coming out of Iraq are correct.
The non-oil sector is going to be equal to or superior to Iraq’s oil income.It’s just the way it is.They have so much wealth in this country and there’s going to be so much demand for the dinar..It’s going to be a massive change to this country.The Development Road Project is massive… [it’s] fully underway…It’s evidence they’re taking
Iraq international. It’s not stopping.
‘Theft of The Century’ is not going away…It’s just so much money that’s been stolen.
We’ve been here for what…20 years, right?…The Truth is today it’s not the same. Nothing 20 years ago has anything to do with today. You might just hang your hat, chill out and get back on board and pay attention…
Frank26 (KTFA)
[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]
FIREFLY: Mr Sammy [his Iraqi bank friend] said we’re going to get massive purchasing power. But others outside of Iraq, they will make millions.
FRANK:I know it forwards and backwards, in fact I dream about it!I know the process.
We found out the 3 zero notes are going to coexist with the lower notes for 10 years.Do you understand the power behind that?That means we’re going to be able to participate in not only the float but the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER).
Clare (KTFA)
”Is Iraq heading towards printing new paper currency?”
“The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Thursday, that there is no intention to print new paper currency.”
Samson (KTFA)
“Iraqis.. Saving in gold instead of dollars”
“Iraqis are turning to saving gold instead of the dollar, which has caused its continued rise…”
”US government decides to tackle Iraq’s energy crisis in exchange for Iran’s economically ‘stifling’ “
[via Judy Byington]
It looks like we have the green light.It looks like it’s on…It’s not official, but it looks like it’s happening.
Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and Global Currency Reset News | Dinar Chronicles
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
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