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A hero in troubled times Cao Cao remained silent, he was now standing at the crossroads of this choice after spying on Luoyang from the Hulao Pass, if he wanted to help the Han Dynasty, he would become a capable minister of the world, and if he had other thoughts, he would be in troubled times The hero.I don t care whether Meng De wants to be Huo Guang or Wang Mang, can alcohol lower blood sugar I just hope that the world will be peaceful as soon as possible Li You is not Liu Bei, he does not have a dime of admiration for the Liu family, if he has, it is for their ancestor Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty For a hero like Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu, what does Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty on the throne deserve his admiration for Before Cao Cao could answer, Li You flicked his sleeves, I m a little tired, go back to the camp to rest, and go to Luoyang with Meng De tomorrow Throwing the dazed Cao Cao on the city wall, Li You took Guan Sheng back to his tent and ordered him to guard outside the tent.The Beiwei army is the most elite of the Yue family army.The host has obtained the authority to summon a Beiwei army to .

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side, and then he looked down at Dianliang condescendingly, I heard that your department 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar has prepared wine and meat.I ll come here uninvited.I don t know if your department welcomes you or not Chapter 44 sheepskin raft Just now I dreamed that the tribe was about to usher in prosperity, but in the blink of an eye, not only was the dream shattered, but my own children were also beheaded, and most of the young and strong in the tribe lost Dianliang almost fainted with a Top High Blood Sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar black eye.Mission King Xiutu s ministers reported respectfully.Chapter 48 Wushao Ridge How many Han people are there Didn t Da Shanyu order him to take a thousand royal elites to intercept them Why did they come to me King Xiutu said sarcastically The Bank of China said in the letter that there are about a hundred people Now it is not the court of the can alcohol lower blood sugar Huns, and the ministers blood sugar level 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grassland, Li You and the others might not be able to win so easily The Great Shanyu refuses to treat us Hun warriors favorably Instead, he trusts such an 340 mg/dl blood sugar eggless Han The Bank of China said that it assisted the old Shanyu and the military minister successively, helping them deepen their control over the Huns.These businessmen were full of praise for this powerful empire.Now that Li You said this, he believed it immediately., Confused about the purpose of my trip again.Loulan is just a small country lingering in the gap between the Western Regions and the Huns, how can it bear the anger of the big man Look, noble minister Li You clapped his hands, and a soldier immediately presented a gift through the conversation just now, Li You learned that the status of this minister in Loulan is probably equivalent to that of the prime minister of a big man, so he has this name, but think about it The population of Loulan Kingdom is only over 40,000, and it is only the size of a township in Li You s future generations.Eh I m afraid we won t be able to stay in the Da Yue Clan for long For someone like Chen Qingzhi, apprenticeship is a very serious matter, and there is not far to learn from the chaos of Wuhuahua.He absolutely does not want to use his soldiers However, considering the purpose can alcohol lower blood sugar of can alcohol lower blood sugar this trip, he still left a little hope for Vesishka, However, before the mission leaves, General Vesishka has any problems with the use of troops.Come and ask me General Huwieshka is the same Thank you so much, General Chen Weishishka and Huwiszka were overjoyed, and quickly bowed their heads and thanked him.This made the other tribal nobles present extremely jealous The Guishuang tribe is now the most powerful tribe in the Dayue Clan.Don t chase after the can alcohol lower blood sugar poor, the most important thing now can alcohol lower blood sugar is to kill these Wusun people quickly What s the use of 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Xiutu and King Kunxie and regain the land of Hexi On the east side, I plan to let General Cheng lead the troops to garrison the border to block the attack of the Huns.I don t know if General Cheng can do it Please rest assured, Your Majesty The minister has a sigh of relief, and he will not let the Huns cross the 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar border alone Cheng Bushi was so excited that he nearly swallowed, and quickly kowtowed and thanked Liu Che s arrangement can be said to be good at using people.

Every day is deep, the glass is full, and the flowers are blooming in the small garden.I have heard the sentence in the palace, and I heard that Li Aiqing is also the first examinee of the Imperial College in the past ten years to score ten marks in both foot and horseback archery Li Gui also seemed very friendly at this time, I remember that Uncle Jiazhou was famous in the government and the public for his both civil and military skills.Now Li Aiqing is quite the trend of being better than blue.I hope Li Aiqing will continue to work hard and not fall into the reputation of Uncle Jiazhou.Thank you, Your Majesty, for your instruction.Just as they were seated, a group of gorgeously dressed dancers came, and the sound of silk and bamboo sounded.These dancers danced in the middle of the hall, creating a scene of peace and tranquility.Seeing all the things in front of him, and remembering that Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan accompanied the people in Suiyang city to go hungry for more than half a year, these exquisite food really made Nan Jiyun unable to swallow, and the Master Jiedu envoy in front of him seemed to be too hungry.It didn t look like he was going to send reinforcements, Nan Jiyun couldn t help but knelt down on the ground and swallowed, When we rushed out of Suiyang yesterday, the soldiers had no best way to boost blood sugar food for a whole month.It seems that there is no way to get much blood sugar 162 after eating food The supply is up.But fortunately, some dead horses can always be found under the city wall.The horse meat is also packed up and put into baskets, and then hung on the city wall.After removing the rotten parts, there will be a lot of edible meat left, and the bones can also be used.Make soup and drink.Clothes, flags, shoes, belts, they collected all useful things, even the smashed arrow towers and siege vehicles.These are all high quality wood, and the big ones can be used to make rolling logs to kill Small enemies can also be used to make fire.Suiyang City has been besieged for more than half a year, and there is not much wood left in the city that can be burned.Li You said to Zhang Xun and others who came to see him off.Go, Nanba, spend more time with them for me and the soldiers and civilians of Suiyang.Zhang Xun thoughtfully agreed to Li You s request., but before leaving, he only took a few days of dry food, which made him feel extremely uneasy, so he had to ask Li You to give them a ride.The last general obeys the order.There are many things in the city right now.Mr.Zhongcheng and everyone, please go back Li You said, but Zhang Xun insisted on sending them ten miles outside the city before Pan Feng and Beiwei s army strongly responded.Reluctant to give up under the request, I have to return to Suiyang City after one step and three turns.The three foot long blade and the weight of ten kilograms gave people a feeling of invincibility., The iron armor that Mr.Gu took out to test the knife was shattered in response, making it vulnerable to a single blow.Zhou Bofu played even more happily, slashing left and right with the oversized Mo Dao, and the iron armor, wooden figurines and wooden horses placed around by Mr.Gu were shattered into pieces.Seeing Zhou Bofu s unparalleled momentum wielding the Mo Dao, Li You secretly clicked his tongue.If can alcohol lower blood sugar he were to lead a thousand tall and strong soldiers, wearing heavy armor and holding the Mo Dao, And who can stop them It s a pity that the construction of Modao and heavy armor is expensive, and it s hard to find strong soldiers who can wield a ten kilogram Modao.But now the emperor of Wei has no prince to supervise the country, does the queen have the ability to can alcohol lower blood sugar listen to the government behind the curtain, and .

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the ministers in power in the court are alienated from him.It s so dangerous, how dare he lead the army Yao Guangxiao unceremoniously criticized Li Gui greatly.Yes, although Li Shimin and Zhu Di dared to march in person, they have been on the throne for many years, and all the officials in the court are under their control.There is no prince and lack of reliable ministers, all the nobles who are loyal to him are brought by his side, and now there are only aristocratic families and poor officials who are dissatisfied with him in Beijing, and the queen mother has treated him the same in the past two years.It seems that Yang Jiefu and others have already regarded this place as the focus of defense.These days, there are people spreading the news about the defeat of the army and your majesty s dragon controlling Bintian.Many businessmen have already started to pack their things and prepare to go to the south to avoid it.Xu Guang, who pretended to be a pilgrim, received a sum of sesame oil money I 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar took the opportunity to listen to Master Daoyan s lecture on Buddhism.Young Lord, Qian Hua and others have been prepared for a long time.It is easy for Tang Kuo to defeat the army, but it is almost impossible to kill the emperor.

It s just that Qi Jiguang was still a little embarrassed about how to arrange Li You.If he was given a high rate, he was afraid that the old people in the army would not accept it, and if he was given a low rate, he was worried that Li You would be dissatisfied, so he had to ask directly, I don t know if Wen Yang wants to take up any position in our army Wansheng will follow General Qi s arrangements.Li You responded, anyway, with his own ability, Qi Jiguang would not give him a low position.Qi Jiguang is not such a mediocre ignorant person.This Qi Jiguang hesitated for a while, and said can alcohol lower blood sugar decisively, Qi now has three positions for Wen Yang to choose from.Li You also agreed, and he also thought of a countermeasure.So Li plans to set up half a school in Jiazhou to recruit young people who are interested in 180 blood sugar reading this, and normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch Mr.Gu and his disciples will teach them skills.As for the name, would it be better to call it Lan Xiang Li You knew can alcohol lower blood sugar that the craftsmen at this time were generally very strict about their craftsmanship and would not pass it on easily, so he added, Mr.Gu doesn t need to teach them advanced craftsmanship, but for the time being, he only needs to let them understand some simple galaxies.That s good.At the beginning, I started with the simplest ones, and then Li You had a lot of ways to blood sugar level monitor watch get them to come up with the bottom of the box unique skills.Li You recounted what he had just teased Meng Chaoran about.Brother Wen Yang is really a wonderful person.Shouldn t Meng Chaoran regret the book he wrote earlier Li You s words made Wang Ji laugh out loud.He won t regret it.I think he should be promoted after this incident.He spent thousands of dollars to buy a first level official position.Even with the authentic works of Layman Meipo, this business is not a loss.Li You sarcastically said.So Wen Yang realized that he was appointed by someone Wang Ji finally put down the scroll, with erratic eyes, carefully watching the changes on Li You s face.As a commander, Ran Min lacks the overall view, and is often impulsive, which is not qualified but as a brave striker, his superb martial arts and extremely can alcohol lower blood sugar low sugar levels in blood symptoms sensitive sense of the battlefield played a huge role, and he keenly caught the flaws of the serial horse phalanx Therefore, Gao Kai carefully prepared for many days and spent a lot of resources to build the chain horse, and Ran Min broke through like this and it seemed that it did not cause fatal losses to Wei Jun.Murong Ke, watch me take your head off After breaking through the chain horse, Ran Min raised his eyes and saw Murong Ke s banner, and immediately shouted.After Bai Qi notified Li You, he didn t stay idle, but immediately found Ran Min, awakened him from the fighting, and he commanded the remaining more than 6,000 Wei troops to dispatch those Yan troops who were still on the battlefield.Divided, surrounded and beheaded, the battlefield was filled with wailing, and the color of the water changed.And after Li You solved the resistance of the Yan army on the battlefield, he immediately chased after the direction of Anxi along the avenue.At this time yesterday, the Yan army was still chasing and killing the Wei army.Unexpectedly, the battle situation turned upside down in one day However, tens of thousands of Yan troops fled in embarrassment under the pursuit of two thousand Xuanjia cavalry without daring to turn back.Since ancient times, how can there be a dynasty where military generals are weak and civil officials can sit in the world Wang Xun is quite satisfied with his son s performance.I couldn t help mentioning a few words, If you want to finalize the success of strategizing, then I am afraid that civil servants will lead the army in the future, but how many people are can steroids cause low blood sugar there who are both Chinese and military Yes, it s good to have an exam, but you don t know how to test the art of war.There are not many strategies for the art of war in the Four Books and Five Classics.How many civil servants know how to fight a war except for a very few can alcohol lower blood sugar people who are can alcohol lower blood sugar low sugar levels in blood symptoms interested in the art of war or have different talents There is nothing wrong with using literature to control martial arts.Many new technologies that Li You borrowed from the memory of later generations or from Ji Xiao New Book have been applied, and the efficiency of the workshop has been greatly improved.Mr.Uncle Zhong will allocate a sum of money to use here.Li You did not forget to ask them to carry out independent research and development.He watched and talked all the way, and soon reached the can alcohol lower blood sugar end of the workshop.At this time, Li can alcohol lower blood 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Since you are all so interested, I think you are perfect.After all, Gao Xianzhi has ruled Anxi for many years, and a mere trick can t help him, so he soon had an idea, Since you have sent three generals, then It s not good for the general can alcohol lower blood sugar guard to let Li Duwei appear alone, Siye, you also go down and teach these young people.The last general takes orders Li Siye, who is seven feet tall, gladly took the order, looking down at Chijus, his strength Hu Bi and Mo Chui said, Don t worry, it s just a martial arts show.This general will definitely not kill you.The subordinates bowed their heads one after another.Li You s lightning like three arrows directly shot Chi Tengjus off the horse.The Chitu tribe is a powerful faction among the three surnames Ge Luolu, and Chitu Zhusi is a nobleman of the Chitu tribe.If there is an accident with him, the leaders of the Chitu tribe dare not blame Datang, I am afraid they will put Push the responsibility onto yourself, right Thinking of this, the assassin Sanlan quickly winked, and Hu Bi hurriedly ran to the place where Chi Tengjus fell from the horse.Ye Hu, Chidjus is dead The powerful Hubi hugged Chidjus and called for a long time, what does high fasting blood sugar mean but he didn t respond at all.Looking at the eagle feather arrow, it almost pierced Chidjus.Sanlan can alcohol lower blood sugar Yehu insists on asking for a fight, if there is an accident in a while, I can t blame Datang.Ashilanda Khan and the others quickly nodded and said yes, and quietly wiped the sweat from their foreheads.Datang s army formation was unstoppable by these scattered grassland tribes.Let all the grassland warriors surrender, no matter whether they are singled out or gang fights, they are not Datang s opponents, and now there is Li You, how many such warriors are there in Datang As a result, their awe of Datang grew a little more.Strength .

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Hubi, you can ask does melatonin lower blood sugar Li Duwei for advice in the second round, and don t weaken my momentum, Ge www.baoshu The Great Tang is mighty The Great Tang is mighty Tens of thousands of people praised the name of the greatest country of this era in unison.No matter the Han people or those servants who obeyed the Anxi Governor s Mansion, they were normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch all born at this moment.The brave generals normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch shouted from the bottom of their hearts, and the prestige of Datang resounded in the city thousands of miles away from Chang an.Lord Protector, since Li Duwei is so brave, and the soldiers under his command are not much Top High Blood Sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar weaker than the Tianwei Army, in our opinion, why don t we transfer Li Duwei to the Chinese army Datang also likes to use eunuchs Acting as the supervising army to monitor the general of Bian Town, so the relationship between Bian Lingcheng and Gao Xianzhi can be imagined, so he seized the opportunity to use Li You to put a little pressure on Gao Xianzhi.Li Siye The others are trying their best to gather the army, If the Tang army recovers, it will not be so easy to win If these Ge Luolu people want to survive, let me attack the Tang normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch army s formation Yes Said Immediately after saluting, he turned his horse s head.Not long after, the army from Anguo, Shiguo, Caoguo, Heguo, Huoxunguo, Shihanagu, Fadiguo, Eidacaguo and other countries were brought by Said.Ahead, waving chaotic banners, swarms rushed towards Tang Jun s central army, and what stood in front of them was the Ge Luolu army.Worse, seeing the army attacking the assassins, he instantly understood the situation he was in.Chapter 388 The Great Enemy is Coming Now there are only Li You and Yao Guangxiao in the big tent, so Sima Cuo directly said the news, Heibingtai got the news from the Ministry of War, and Tang Kuo s troops are mobilizing.It seems that there is a tendency to attack in spring.I have sent someone to send an urgent message to the personnel of the Black Ice Station in Mobei to inquire in detail, and there will be more news in the near future.Mr.Sima, you have worked hard At first, the manpower arranged by Fan Li was only limited to the market and merchants.In just a few months, Sima Cuo placed Anzi in the Ministry of War, and even gabapentin and blood sugar control blood sugar level monitor watch is fasting blood sugar of 110 bad planted a nail in Tang Kuo s Ministry.Come Qin Shixin and Luo Shiji shouted at the same time.Don t be so wordy, wait, don t tell me you want to disobey orders Zhang Guo yelled sharply, seeing the two of them lower their heads gradually, his tone became gentler, can alcohol lower blood sugar Shiji, Shixin, the Dongdong begging army will come back in the future It is entrusted to calories and blood sugar you two, you two must take good care of these people.Follow your lord s order.Qin Shixin and Luo Shiji burst into tears, Zhang Guo took a last look at them, without hesitation The North Korean army rushed to the front.Chapter 415 Zhang Guo s martyrdom My lord Qin Shixin had tears in his eyes, brandishing a double mace and was about to follow Zhang Guo to kill him, but was stopped by Luo Shiji with a horizontal gun, Shi Xin, my lord told me to lead the army to break can alcohol lower blood sugar low sugar levels in blood symptoms through, didn t you forget Are you done You are enough to lead the army to break through, and I want to accompany you.

The news that Li You broke out was really shocking, which made Luo Shiji and others forget their reason for coming, and a1a blood sugar test couldn t help asking, What happened to last year s big defeat Is there such a secret Isn t that the case Qiu Taiwei led the former army Société Française de Pharmacie Oncologique can alcohol lower blood sugar to station in Xuanda, but was flooded by the Beilu who broke the embankment.If there was no cooperation from the local people in Xuanda, how could the Beilu hide their tracks Can they find a suitable embankment to break the embankment Where Old General Chen went to the rear to ask for food, but was sternly refused by the warehouse guards.If there was no one behind them, how could they be so bold Afterwards, the Chinese army was in chaos, and the noble general died under the assassination of the assassin, but the capital began to plan Another new king was established, and the Duke of Lu who was in charge of the Five Cities Army Division died suddenly, and all these things make people shudder when they think about it.Sima Cuo blamed the defenders in the city for this.It s not that they didn t think about using catapults and other ordnance to fight back, but when the Ministry of Industry built these Most of the ordnance was unusable, and fell apart after only one or two launches, but the only remaining trebuchets that were 200 mg dl blood sugar level still in good condition were pulled back by the court in the name of defending the inner city Qiu Shangjian was stunned when he heard the news.What s the use of keeping the inner city if the city is broken The order will be passed on, and the generals of the various ministries will immediately start to organize the army and prepare to go north to the capital.He seemed to be able how to use blood sugar testing machine to see that after Enke ended, , Arub and the tribal leaders looked at the dissatisfied expressions of those Central Plains scholars.What is Pu Suwan, Xue Jiagan and others willing to go through life and death for Arub It s not for the sake of their family being able to occupy a high position, but now that the Guannei Road has been laid down, blood sugar sex magik songs they still appoint people from the Central Plains as the governors of the states and counties, so what should they do The civil servants of can alcohol lower blood sugar low sugar levels in blood symptoms the Great Wei were not reconciled to the loss of military power, and these people also did not want to see all the civil officials occupied by the Central Plains people.With a click, the mast of a large Yuan Army ship broke from it can alcohol lower blood sugar and hit the deck, taking away the lives of several Yuan Army soldiers.This wave of sudden blows caught them by surprise.Inspection, even a small boat did not find it, where did these people come from now General, I don t know that there are so many ships suddenly appearing from there.Now they have surrounded me and others.It is not too late.There is still a chance now, so hurry up and break through.Deputy Marshal Li Heng hurried to Zhang Hongfan s ship, anxiously shouted.Although Zhang Hongfan s younger brother Zhang Hongzheng and son Zhang Gui tried to stay calm, their brows were tightly frowned.He regarded the cannons on Zheng He s treasure ship as heavenly thunders.This is not thunder, and these are not heavenly soldiers and generals.Lu Xiufu came down from the height and said among the officials, but no one knew about it, but now Lu Xiufu s body has been occupied by Li You s soul.This is the reinforcement I asked for from overseas.After this battle, the commander in chief of this army will come here to meet His Majesty.Reversing the outcome of the Battle of Yashan has now been achieved, but there is still a long way to go to complete the task Let s go, Li You looked around at the crowd, his mind turned, and he kept thinking about the response of the Yuan army after this battle and where the Song army should go next.The reason why the slap also sent the other face up, Pu Shougeng s family s crimes cannot be forgiven, if you don t punish the nine clans, how can you comfort the souls of the tens of thousands of victims Seeing that Wen Tianxiang still wanted to speak, Li You immediately took all the soldiers to the camp where Pu Shougeng and his tribe were escorted.Pu Shougeng seemed to know that no matter can alcohol lower blood sugar what he did, these Song people can alcohol lower blood sugar would not forgive him, so he had no hope for survival.He huddled in the corner of the camp and prayed silently, but his trembling hands and feet had already betrayed him, and he was still afraid after all.But not long after that, he began to experience strange pains from the soles of his feet, and after a while his thighs began to rot.He searched all over the famous doctors in Lin an Prefecture, but he couldn t do anything.So Monk Yunze regarded these as the ghosts of Emperor Lizong, restless day and night, and terrified all day long.Wen Tianxiang and the others were unhappy with the retribution, but Li You didn t see it that way.He had read a lot of tomb robbery novels in later generations, and he probably knew that there were poisons and other things in such a large tomb to protect the tomb owner s body.

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army, but it was unexpectedly Ali Hague took the lead.As soon as the words fell, before Ali Haiya had any reaction, explosions sounded one low sugar and high blood pressure after another among the Mongolian cavalry, and countless Mongolian cavalry wailed and fell off their horses.Even how much does decadron increase blood sugar if they were not directly injured by the explosion, they were frightened.Way to sit firmly on the saddle, the neat formation of the Mongolian cavalry became scattered.Charged back and forth three times, killing the Qi Xue army to pieces, losing An Tong s command, each thousand man team began to fight alone, and was defeated one by one in front of the unified command of Da Sui Xiaoguo, even though there was still a commander who tried to take over.An Tong s command was also beheaded by Li You and Fan Wenchao in the first place.The battle lasted for an hour, and there were only more than a thousand people left in the five thousand cowardly Xue army.At this time, they had lost the courage to continue fighting , began to turn the horse s head and fled in the direction of Dadu.In the future, the Song Army will can alcohol lower blood sugar gradually evolve For the firearms army, their reliance on logistics will be even more serious.As long as these are under control, there is no need to worry too much about generals rebelling.In addition, Li You also prepared many methods such as rotation training of new recruits and separation of generals to strengthen the restraint on generals without compromising the combat effectiveness of the army, which is much stronger than the previous method of Song Dynasty.Everything is strictly in accordance with the order of Lord Xiangguo.These measures are of great benefit to their group can alcohol lower blood sugar Blood Glucose of generals.After saying that, a book appeared in the air, and the pages non diabetic fasting blood sugar were flipped quickly, and there was a faint blur on it.It can be seen that there are countless pictures of the parts of the treasure ship, and finally there is the method of building the cannon used on the treasure ship, which really makes Li You feel overjoyed.General Gu has been thinking about how to build cannons for a while, but unfortunately, there has been little progress.Li You only knows some general directions and not details about the building methods of ancient cannons, so he has been unable to provide him with definite help.The Yanling Circle Golden Armor is also called Sai Tang Ni.Tang Ni is a beast in ancient legends, with thick skin.It can be used to make armor this armor is named Sai Tang Yi , which shows its strength.Hu Fu talked about the benefits of this armor like a salesman, This armor is as light as leather armor, but it is as strong as iron armor., draped on the body, it is light and stable, and the sword and arrow can t be pierced in a hurry.Before that, I had the Zhentian Bow and the Liquan Spear, and the Zhulong BMW, which was both a bow and arrow and a horse.Although the Tang Dao is not a legend There are few powerful weapons in the weapon, and now that even the armor is given, the equipment for this body is almost complete Li You immediately put on Sai Tang Ni on his body, and it was indeed much lighter than the armor he can alcohol lower blood sugar used before, and he reported the dagger and tried to stab it a few times, but there was no way to pierce it through.Yesterday when he heard that the four gates of Yongzhou City were closed, Shi Hongzhi was really nervous for a while, but now he felt relieved after seeing this letter, quickly opened it and browsed it quickly, and saluted Li You, Thank you, Mr.Taiwei Thank you so much for your help.This is Mr.Shi s own credit.Although the man driving the car was from Heibingtai, it was the result of Shi Hongzhi s many years of management at the Shi s house that he was able to send Mrs.Shi out of the yard.In this way, I can rest assured that the army will 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar reach the city of Yongzhou tomorrow, and I promise to open the city gate smoothly.I heard that if you want to serve as an officer above Qian Zong in the future, you must be able to read military Chinese books yourself.It is estimated that there will be people who can read and write in martial arts this time.Subject, I m afraid I ll have to trouble Brother Shi a lot at that time Qin Yong, who was born in the Hedong Army, said immediately after hearing Shi Huaiyi s background, he was originally Qin Shixin s personal soldier, and after the reorganization of the Hedong Army, he was also given the position of general manager, so he was able to Joined martial arts, but although he is skilled in bow and horse, and learned a good mace technique from Qin Shixin, he didn t know a few words, and he was having a headache because of this time.

After Li You s reminder, Qian Hua also realized does weed lower blood sugar this, but he was not discouraged by it., I have now taken the lead.Even though the artillery has various problems, it is still countless times better than the crossbow, and these problems can be avoided through hard training.Looks like blood sugar level monitor watch is fasting blood sugar of 110 bad it s time to add a new discipline to martial arts.Sima said with a wrong smile.Chapter 518 Sinongqing Brother Liu, I can alcohol lower blood sugar haven t seen you this month, it s a big change now.Xu Yuanze met Liu Buyun after a long absence on a holiday once every ten days, but his current appearance made him a little afraid to recognize him.Messy and darker than before, what made him frown the most was that Liu Buyun constantly emitted some disgusting smell, which could not be concealed even after taking a bath with coriander beans.If the army of the Northern Yuan Dynasty begins to enter the Hedong Road, King Qi will immediately gather the troops north of Huainan Road.Without the threat of King Qi, it will be easier for us to take down King Yue.Why don t we take this opportunity to attack Jiangnan East Road , and bring it under his command.Luo Shiji saw an opportunity for the Jiazhou Army to expand.Although it looks like this, if the Tartars invade the Central Plains, we will take advantage of the fire and kill each other.It will damage our reputation if it spreads.Prestige is invisible, but sometimes it will play a huge role.Perhaps in their view, they could easily deal with this crisis with their clever calculations, and they might even deal a great blow to Beilu and Li You.By the way, expand your territory and strength.Not long after, King Qi s army in Duji Province began to pack their bags and set can alcohol lower blood sugar low sugar levels in blood symptoms up camp to go north, and Cui Jidao also sent envoys to Li You s army, explaining that they had vacated Tangzhou, and the Jiazhou army could go north to Tangzhou, approaching the puppet Chu s Gyeonggi road.What on earth are Cui Jidao and the others thinking They would actually kindly make way for us After sending the envoy away, Li You summoned the generals to discuss this sudden new situation.Liu Yanzong and Guo Yaoshi did not miss it either, except for the elite team left for Wanyan Zongbi, Wanyan Zonghan took out all the troops in the Jinbing camp.He intends to take this opportunity and make the best of it.Who knows when the emperor and officials of the Song Dynasty will make trouble again if this opportunity is missed.Everyone, let s drink this cup to the brim.Tomorrow night, we will go to the Emperor Song s palace to have a good drink.Wan Yan Zonghan thought that the battle was a sure thing.Chapter 554 Heavenly General Pan Fengtian Just after dawn, Sun Hao came outside Li You s room.Come again Pan Feng became braver as he fought more and more.After fighting so many mission worlds with Li You, he was no longer the third rate military general in can alcohol lower blood sugar the Three Kingdoms World who could not get through a few rounds under Hua Xiong s command.The guy is just so relaxed.Sure enough, in the third round, he couldn t hold the mace any longer because he was so sticky, and his weapon was directly smashed into the sky by Pan Feng s big axe.The ax cut off Sticky s head, and Jin Bing suddenly lost his voice, but this time it was Song Jun who erupted in cheers.Although they all knew that Pan Feng was not the general of the Song Dynasty, a victory was a victory, and a goal from a foreign player was also a goal Pan Feng stood there quietly watching Wanyan Zongwang in the distance, and after a while, he rode his horse to the corpse of the Song general, carried him onto the horse, and then went to cut off the sticky head.He pretended to be relaxed and said, It seems that today we can t wait for the news that Guo Shenxian will return after a big victory.The remeron blood sugar vigor of the soldiers depends entirely on them, so I should go can alcohol lower blood sugar and reward them now.After that, Zhao Huan, surrounded by the crowd, went to the camp with wine and meat to reward him, and the Qi family s army was fine, those imperial squadrons of the Song Dynasty went straight to the camp.When did the god armed archers and archers have such glory Immediately, the cheers spread all the way to the city of Bianliang, so the people in the city soon knew the news of the defeat of the Jin soldiers.The warriors of the Song Dynasty not only needed food, grass and money, they also longed for the recognition of others.This passage also reached the ears of Han Shizhong who was far away.Han Shizhong s eyes turned red immediately, and he got off his horse and blood sugar level 314 bowed down.With the words of God God Guo, even if I, Han Wu, die in battle, it is worth it.General Han, please get up quickly.Li You quickly went forward to help him up can alcohol lower blood 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Zhang Shuye was also a little anxious, in his opinion, even if the 6,000 cavalry were wiped out, as long as they could wipe out all the golden soldiers, kill It is also worthwhile can alcohol lower blood sugar to die Yan Zonghan.But Yue Fei seemed to understand Li You s intentions.He glanced at the Jinjun camp, then turned around and said, The Jinbing is already a turtle in the urn, it seems that there is really no need to students who had been imprisoned in Wu Xuezhong for a month were finally released.They discussed going to the restaurant in the city to celebrate with their friends.The army does not know when we will meet again, so we must cherish this time well.What surprised them was that when seeing these guys in military uniforms, the shopkeepers and officials on both normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch sides of the street not only did not show disdain or panic in their eyes as before, but instead rushed forward to ask them questions., and sincerely invited them to have a drink together.This kind of treatment is very different from that of the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty who were despised in the past.Qi Huizhi only knew about it when he had a relationship with him at the beginning.What is strange about him is that according to the current relationship between Beiyuan and Chu, it is like Xu Shiyong and Yang Deming would have to personally greet Yuwen Yisheng, a high ranking minister in Beiyuan, who came to visit, why didn t he hear anything Presumably there are other plans for does cla raise blood sugar this trip, so it can alcohol lower blood sugar is not appropriate to blood sugar test kit uk make Zhang Qi Huizhi originally wanted to visit Yuwen Yisheng s residence in person, but when he thought of this reason, he sat down again, and he ordered, Go and invite this Mr.Xuzhong to the residence.Now that they heard that there was a large army going south, they were already happy.bloomed.Luo Shiji was hoping that the enemy would come over sooner, but Zheng Feihuang and the others in the Yuewang Mansion on Jiangnan East Road were worried, Have you figured it out Are they really coming towards us Didn t they go north to attack Henan Road Li You s ability to fight can only be hoped for.If you want to attack Henan Road, there s no need to go to Qiantang.Besides, Qian Hua has led troops best way to test blood sugar at home to sea many times to clean up pirates, isn t it just to train sailors Zheng Feihuang frowned, thinking of those spies carrying them back He felt his scalp tingling for a while, could they really stop such a fleet I said a long time ago that we should sail northward to attack Qiantang and burn their warships before the Qianhua navy was completed.Master Taiwei, General Qian s navy is of course important, and the last general will not neglect training for a day.Seeing that the two of them had decided on the future battle strategy in a few words, Qin Shixin was inevitably a little anxious, and he watched eagerly.With Li You.General Qin, there is no need to worry.After General Qian defeats their navy, if Zheng Feihuang doesn t surrender, it will be your turn to appear.It would be a pity if that was the case.Qin Shixin hadn t had time to be happy, a soldier hurriedly boarded the boat, Sir Taiwei, Jiangnan Dongdao has sent an envoy, and is asking to see you at the gate of Daying.When all the ships of the enemy army appeared in front of Li You, and the analysis results of the navy staff came out, Qian Hua took the results and hurried to Li You, My lord Taiwei, most of the ships appearing now are from the East China Sea.Only a few of the warships used by Dao Yi belonged to Zheng Feihuang s fleet.After checking the information collected before, at least half of the ships in Zheng Feihuang s naval fleet were hidden.The staff unanimously concluded that Zheng Feihuang They want to use the cannon fodder of the barbarian islands in the East China Sea to consume our strength, while their main fleet is hiding nearby to take advantage of it.

With the help of local geographical advantages and powerful soldiers, they can definitely block Yuan Zhang and Alubu What s more, in Gyeonggi Province and Henan Province, the rising rebels tortured them unspeakably.With the help of Shi Huaiyi and other professionals who have been trained in martial arts, those rebels are no longer the same as they 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar used to be.As long as the northern captives are not allowed to invade Huainan Road, relying solely on the ability of those opposing forces, there is no way to shake Li You in the slightest.As for the king of Shu who is hiding in Shu, Li You took down Jiangnan East Road so easily just as he had some ideas.Although everyone regards him as the commander now, it is all based on his noble status.Except for Lu Sheng, Bi Lege and Yuchi Sangarama have not seen it before.The fighting power of the Guiyi Army may be somewhat disapproving in my heart.In order to command more smoothly in the future, I must first demonstrate the strength of the Guiyi Army and establish my own prestige.Let s see how my Guiyi army will deal with these enemies.After finishing speaking, the soldiers behind Li You took out the command flag and waved it a few times.Thousands of cavalry who returned to the rebel army shouted together, and began to slowly urge their horses to follow Li You to meet the army of the Kara Khanate.The countries in the Western Regions are not strong.It might be better if they only face an attack from one direction, but if they are attacked from both sides at the same time, they will not be able to stop them no matter what.The Kara Khanate in the west occupies a vast blood sugar without pricking area and is powerful, and its ruling core is extremely far away from Kashgar.It is extremely difficult to send troops to attack Balasagon Top High Blood Sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar and Talas, let alone places such as Bura and Uzgan.In comparison, it is much easier to deal with party members, and there is Da Song s help.After the defeat, Song Dynasty ceded the land of Wuzhou to Li Jiqian, and the court was full of complaints.After finishing speaking, Yuwen Yisheng took out the porcelain bottle containing the drug residues taken from Chen Jingan and 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar Mr.Jiang, The subordinates also encountered such a thing when they captured Jiazhou Xizuo before.Similarly, it is made of Hedinghong mixed with several other auxiliary medicines, which can cause death in an instant, and there is no time to rescue them.Yuan Zhang carefully inspected the medicines in several old and new porcelain bottles, judging from the smell and color, What Yuwen Yisheng said just now is indeed the truth.That s all for Mr.Jiang, why did Chen Jing an have such courage to commit suicide Yuan Zhang was a little suspicious.Walking around in the crowd with high spirits, wishing to engrave the official position on their faces and those who only got a few sesame officials because of timidity or bad luck are standing in the crowd.I was so annoyed that I could barely lift my head.As soon as Shi Huaiyi entered the Juyi Hall, these people immediately stopped making noise, and all focused their attention on him, hoping to get the latest information about Yuan Zhang from him, so that they could make another contribution in the next battle Those who have already obtained high ranking officials want to be promoted again, and those who missed the opportunity before want to be on an equal footing with Xue Kun, Jiang Qi, Qi Yunhai and others.Yuan Zhang had obtained the information he wanted, so he withdrew the Falcon and began to interrogate the unlucky herb picker himself.The key to the success of this ambush lies in whether he can hide it from Li You, so even if it is He also has to personally intervene in this little matter after some interrogation, Yuan Zhang determined that this was just an unlucky guy and not the work of Jiazhou, so he waved his hand and said, Take it down and deal with it as before.Yes , Master National Teacher These people understood that Yuan Zhang meant to execute him, and these days, no less than a hundred people have died at their hands, and this is also can alcohol lower blood sugar the price they must pay for concealing the news.Li nodded in agreement with Sima Cuo s words, Yuan Zhang had only cleaned up the Dasha before.There are a whole series of religious forces, and the tribal forces headed by the leaders of the various tribes still have a great influence in the court of the tremors from low blood sugar Northern Yuan Dynasty.They are eyeing Arub s throne.If they find a chance, they will naturally want to go to the throne.Sit down.The general thought that Arub might still attack next, but I m afraid he would no longer send out his direct descendants.Instead, he would force those tribal leaders who had gaps with him to lead the charge and use our hands to weaken the opposition.

That s right, it seems a bit early to make a fuss to persuade them to come in now, and we still have 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar to wait for Master Yao and the others to come in.It seems that this time the opportunity to take the first step is gone.Sun Chuyang understood Li You s thoughts, and Société Française de Pharmacie Oncologique can alcohol lower blood sugar thought of it with regret.Immediately leaving soldiers and horses to guard the palace, Li You returned to the Jiazhou Bo Mansion after a long absence.This place was rewarded to a high ranking official of the Puppet Chu when the capital fell.Now this high ranking official and his family are all imprisoned.The mansion still returned to Li You Société Française de Pharmacie Oncologique can alcohol lower blood sugar s hands, the time was a bit rushed, the mansion hadn t been cleaned up yet, but it was enough for Li You to rest.As if he had heard his thoughts, when Li You returned to the mansion and entered the study alone, the tiger charm in his arms glowed with white light again, and when the light dissipated, Li You also disappeared from the study without a trace.This is the beginning of the mission, The world that the host is about to enter this time is the twenty sixth year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty Just after the Warring States period in Japan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified the Japanese islands, took office as Guanbai but his world was not completely won by war, half of which relied on negotiations to temporarily stabilize the situation, such as Tokugawa Ieyasu, etc.He commanded the Ming army into the court to fight the Japanese to the death, and fought against the Japanese Top High Blood Sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar in Jishan, Ulsan 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar and other places.And North Korea s only famous general Yi Sun shin was also released again to take charge of the navy, and led a weak force to defeat the Japanese pirate navy in the Mingliang Strait to win.In October of the twenty sixth year of Wanli, the news of Toyotomi Hideyoshi s death in Fushimi Castle in Kyoto came in August.The morale of the Japanese pirates suddenly collapsed.Taking advantage of this, they launched a pursuit.After some fighting, except for the main force of the First Army stationed in Ulsan, which had already retreated earlier, the Japanese still had 4.As for how many people can go back in the end, it depends on their luck.As more and more envoys came to Osaka, the Five Elders and the Five Executioners had to pay attention to the threat of the Ming army and began to discuss countermeasures.At this time, Li You s request once again aroused the conflict between them.The Kanto daimyo believed that this disaster was caused by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and had nothing to do with their Kanto daimyo.It seemed reasonable to hand it over to them, but normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch Ishida Mitsunari and others firmly opposed it.For a while, the daimyos of the Wa Kingdom were divided into two factions.In order to ensure that he will not be beheaded by his opponent so after the Western Army began to retreat, Tokugawa Ieyasu not only did not withdraw his troops to declare victory, but personally led the remaining Société Française de Pharmacie Oncologique can alcohol lower blood sugar Eastern Army to pursue it.It was already late at this time, and the sun had already set.They Société Française de Pharmacie Oncologique can alcohol lower blood sugar only relied on the moonlight and the light of the torches to chase the enemy.This gave Li You more room to operate.With the cover of can alcohol lower blood sugar the night, Li You s army did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.The Japanese pirates launched an attack, no matter whether they were the Eastern Army or the Western Army, as long as they appeared around him, they would immediately start killing It s like, I can t tell the difference in the night, so there was an accidental injury, and Ieyasu Tokugawa didn t dare to pursue it.Is it still going to be like this in the future In this case, after filling all three moats and pulling out the Sanada Maru , how many people will be left in the Eastern Army Can such a person still take down Osaka Castle Thinking of these Tokugawa Hidetada, he longed for the arrival of the Ming army.He turned his eyes to the sea.How long will it take Top High Blood Sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar for the generals of Shangguo to arrive Chapter 778 The Fall of Osaka Because Ishida Mitsunari was there, Sanada Yukimura and other generals were not constrained by civil officials and commanded indiscriminately as they were in history, resulting in an extremely passive situation.Those old gentry were full of anger when they saw this.It is natural for King Fu to visit the palace without the visit of important officials of the court, but King Fu has already received Li Lingyue s advice, so he ignores these, excuses that he was tired all the way north, hid in the deep palace to rest, and did not meet anyone.We were disappointed again.So there is no problem with King Fu The princess mansion has not been repaired yet, so Li Lingyue can only find another courtyard to can alcohol lower blood sugar live in first, but it is quiet and normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch secret, just suitable for Li You and her tryst, The two hadn t seen each other for many days, and after the meeting, there was some emotion.

I implore Your Majesty to depose General Gu 300 blood sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar and other traitors, and restore Jinshi to obtain scholars The leading student blood sugar bouncing up and down was overjoyed, and quickly took out the letter he had prepared and handed it over with both hands.Yao Guangxiao, who was the prime minister, came out of the palace and came before them.You keep saying that Gu Shangshu is a traitor, what evidence do you have They thought that Yao Guangxiao would help them speak, but this first sentence made them a little confused.These people criticize General Gu just because he is a member of the Mo family, but they don t know much about what he did in the court, so what evidence can they produce in a short time Everyone looked at each other and whispered to each other, but still they could only attack pet scan high blood sugar General Gu as being from Société Française de Pharmacie Oncologique can alcohol lower blood sugar the Mo family, as for the actual evidence, there was no evidence at all.Of course, it will take a long time for these policies to show results, but after the new year, we may be able to deploy troops to solve the problems of Arub and Hedong Road.The reason why we chose to solve them first instead of attacking Shuzhong is because Li You Think hard before easy, by sweeping the northTo deter the army in the middle of Shu with the power and influence, so as to weaken their desire to resist and reduce the losses of both sides.After all, the two sides fighting at that time are the people of the Central Plains, and it is always good to have less losses.This year, the Jiazhou army did not launch a large scale offensive, but it was not that nothing was done.Before they even came to pick up their weapons, they were killed Zhai Xiongxin led the men to cut off their heads, and within half an hour, they cleaned up the more than can alcohol lower blood sugar a thousand softshells the rebel average blood sugar 118 a1c army 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alcohol lower blood sugar period of time, and their faces turned ashen, while those who were not qualified to participate in this matter looked happy.If Wu Sangui hadn t normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch colluded with Jiannu and lured Dorgon into the pass, he would have been defeated by Li Zicheng long ago.If Li Zicheng had defeated Wu Sangui and occupied Shanhaiguan, whether Jiannu could enter the pass is still uncertain.Wu Sangui betrayed the country of Daming, saved the soldiers and horses under his command, and won the title of King Pingxi for himself and endless infamy from later generations.However, in this world, the can alcohol lower blood sugar battle of a piece of stone may not have a chance to happen.Li You looked back at Li Zicheng who blood sugar level monitor watch is fasting blood sugar of 110 bad was analyzing the terrain with Cao Bianjiao.Now he is the general of Ming Dynasty, can alcohol lower blood sugar and Wu Sangui may not have the chance to take charge of Guan Ning again.It was full of astonishment.Chapter 885 Pleading guilty to thorns, but seeing a group of generals with bare upper body and thorns on their backs shivering in the cold wind, kowtowing and walking slowly towards the gate of the camp.The can alcohol lower blood sugar Shangguan was shocked when he saw it.Aren t the leaders Yuan Chonghuan, Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang and others in charge of the Guanning Army Hurry up and report this matter to His Majesty.This matter was beyond his authority, so it immediately reached Li You s ears.Looking at this group of guys who are pleading guilty.Well, they are really smart.Li You snorted coldly.If they delayed their action for a day or two, they should attack them after the army is repaired.

Seeing Top High Blood Sugar can alcohol lower blood sugar that the enemy who killed Mao Wenlong was finally about to get his due retribution, Chen Jisheng and the others were all tearful with gratitude and knelt down to thank you.Before the execution, Mao Wenlong s adopted son, Mao Chenglu, came out and asked Li You to be the executioner, but Li You can alcohol lower blood sugar sternly refused, Yuan Chonghuan was executed because he violated the laws of the court, not because of Mao Wenlong.To avenge personal revenge, according to the law of the imperial court, there is a special person responsible for normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch the execution, and it cannot be replaced by others without authorization.This matter doesn t happen overnight.I will give them some time to learn how to make a living.Then Li You came up with the solution that he and Xu Guangqi and other cronies formulated.Are they like King Fu, who are lax in law, fish for the common people, violate the clan system established by the Taizu, and if they are found, they will be dealt with strictly, their clan status will be removed, and they will be demoted to common people.Based on the integrity of this group of clans, many people must have committed these crimes.As long as the censorship is strong enough, a large number of clans can definitely be demoted to common people, greatly reducing the burden on the court, and can also calm down the resentment of the people everywhere , Return the property and fields they seized, so that the people under their rule can have a way of life, and greatly ease the increasingly fierce local conflicts.The soldiers were recommended by him to enter the Naval Academy, where they will complete the transformation from ordinary soldiers to officers and win a bright future for themselves.Yu Zigao and those Taixi instructors were surprised to see that under Li You s normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch supervision, the soldiers successfully completed each training, and all military skills were improving by leaps and bounds.In just one month, this group of soldiers and officers There has been a radical change, and they can only lament that the capable are omnipotent, blood sugar level monitor watch is fasting blood sugar of 110 bad and regard it as the miracle of the right man.A month passed quickly, and it was time for Li You to return to the capital.These conditions made the Guan Ning Army and the soldiers of Dongjiang Town very excited.Now that they can eat enough every day, they normal morning blood sugar blood sugar level monitor watch are very satisfied with getting their salary as it is, but they don t want the court to have bigger handwriting behind.Even if you risk your life, you are willing to meet the conditions.I am Ming Wansheng Wan Sheng Wan Sheng Wan Sheng Countless soldiers responded in unison.The voice spread from the school grounds to Ningyuan City, but everyone who heard it shouted, and the voice gradually spread far away , The number of people shouting continued to increase, and it seemed that the entire land of Liaodong was shouting the voice of Da Ming Wan Sheng.The sky was getting dark, and the hit rate of the Ming army s artillery fire seemed to be declining.Lu Xiangsheng immediately issued an order to temporarily stop the attack.In his eyes, he didn t expect to be able to take it down on the first day, and the result of today s attack has already satisfied him.Looking at the city wall of Shengjing, after a day of artillery fire, the city wall is already devastated, with large and small bullet holes everywhere.They were beaten to pieces, covered with Jiannu s blood.The first day s attack took away thousands of can alcohol lower blood sugar Jiannu s lives.As for the wounded and disabled, there were even more Jiannu.The rush from the capital to Wuqiao was something they could hardly have imagined before they set off.This was all due to the new logistics supply policy and the hard training of the soldiers on weekdays.On the second day, the army arrived at Wuqiao.Instead of entering the city, they found a place outside the city to set up camp to eat and rest.They also sent a general to the city with a small group of soldiers to buy some fresh vegetables.You can bring your own, but you blood sugar chart 2020 can t do it for vegetables, so they buy them according to the price along the road.In the past, it was relatively smooth when we first left Beijing, but this method became more and more difficult to use as we went south.The expansion of the North American Continent has also achieved remarkable results.After the news of Jinshan s discovery of gold spread, the people of Ming Dynasty flocked to the North American Continent.As long as they set foot on the North American continent, the imperial court will allocate vast land to them so that they can support themselves.After the first few years, some lucky people will become rich and powerful.Those who are poor can still live the life of small landlords in the countryside, and when they are prosperous, they will return to their hometowns and invite their relatives and friends to come together, so there are more and more Ming people in the North American continent.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.